this image contains text
:: : : gh:
----.--- --/ - - --- - - /- the north sta
r -/ - --- - : 908.264.5042 : .
s: grey hawk bkn ss . spectacular renegade 10-5
setup tdwp united states headquarters . broken
eastern headquarters usu distribution site . .
vor distribution site : . : kimp distributi
on site -/- :/ evolution emag distribution si
te : / fresh art + music from release : .
. 424 megs of art/music/hpa online . flamenet /
castlenet / screamnet / usunet / more cs
9600 - 14400 only please -+- 24/7 operation /
// no ratios -+- no nup -+- no warez :// :
----.--- --/ - - --- - - /- the north sta
r -/ - --- - : 908.264.5042 : .
s: grey hawk bkn ss . spectacular renegade 10-5
setup tdwp united states headquarters . broken
eastern headquarters usu distribution site . .
vor distribution site : . : kimp distributi
on site -/- :/ evolution emag distribution si
te : / fresh art + music from release : .
. 424 megs of art/music/hpa online . flamenet /
castlenet / screamnet / usunet / more cs
9600 - 14400 only please -+- 24/7 operation /
// no ratios -+- no nup -+- no warez :// :
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