this image contains text
the blade one year anniversery greets... march nineteen n
inety five
the bl
ade clan greats...
dark!, spastic, acid, ice, relic, ci
a, ttfi, bleach, unchained,
and everyone else trying to make it in the art scene t
oday. ...............................
......................................... mindcr
ime shouts out to... no one in particular
, accept maybe.... napalm... money? what mon
ey?? chromatik... prayer rules man, keep up
the awesome work. tp and ss... sorry guys, i
t had to be done. mk and ck... greets to my
new ss. acidic soap... welcome aboard. and s
tay here ravage bias... thanks for the da
rk site! critical illusion... hi g
and so on... .........................
k . g r e e t s prayer
s here! ... the numbers in the pack.
eerie: refer down below for your special gre
et. darkfyre: stick to ansi .. youre
doing well. modeus khahn: wow ... your
logos astonish me. maestro: get an 80
0 line for elixir! or call me board ... b
iohazard: ya, see, I greeted you, right?!
evil current: whereve you been? I havent gotten any
more prank calls. cable: yellow sigs are th
e best. brass hat: and you said that
you would never dl an art pack? mindcrime:
obv/2 supreme .. grey hawk: ack!
I cant call your board anymore. ld bill c
idica: so you like the board? .. good.
lord jazz: stopped ansi, eh? ok. muta
ted chia pet: nice work on the mag! pickl
ed phish: how long have you been waiting? three months? f
our? ravage bias: like yer rebel studio
s ansi? ... carnifex: make sure that you
look at ck-tla1.ans ... hurricane: wow
.. mrs. danish is the BESTEST teacher. st
ring: renegade supreme. edicius: y
ou must LIVE on cyberchat or something..
flood: okok, your menusets coming. ac
idic soap: okok, your ansis coming. gimme a break.
quran sp?!: a hundred for an ansi, e
h? okie ... ... newsflash
! chromatik is really
lord jazzs younger brother!
eerie is their father! ... the tr
uth is out! ... d
err ...
look, eerie! I can do inverse, too!
wee ...
................................... a
nd a special thanks to all the die hard blade fans and member
s who have made it worth kee
ping over this past year. we will rock your
world in the new blade ye
ar. happy blade new year!
we kick ass...
the blade one year anniversery greets... march nineteen n
inety five
the bl
ade clan greats...
dark!, spastic, acid, ice, relic, ci
a, ttfi, bleach, unchained,
and everyone else trying to make it in the art scene t
oday. ...............................
......................................... mindcr
ime shouts out to... no one in particular
, accept maybe.... napalm... money? what mon
ey?? chromatik... prayer rules man, keep up
the awesome work. tp and ss... sorry guys, i
t had to be done. mk and ck... greets to my
new ss. acidic soap... welcome aboard. and s
tay here ravage bias... thanks for the da
rk site! critical illusion... hi g
and so on... .........................
k . g r e e t s prayer
s here! ... the numbers in the pack.
eerie: refer down below for your special gre
et. darkfyre: stick to ansi .. youre
doing well. modeus khahn: wow ... your
logos astonish me. maestro: get an 80
0 line for elixir! or call me board ... b
iohazard: ya, see, I greeted you, right?!
evil current: whereve you been? I havent gotten any
more prank calls. cable: yellow sigs are th
e best. brass hat: and you said that
you would never dl an art pack? mindcrime:
obv/2 supreme .. grey hawk: ack!
I cant call your board anymore. ld bill c
idica: so you like the board? .. good.
lord jazz: stopped ansi, eh? ok. muta
ted chia pet: nice work on the mag! pickl
ed phish: how long have you been waiting? three months? f
our? ravage bias: like yer rebel studio
s ansi? ... carnifex: make sure that you
look at ck-tla1.ans ... hurricane: wow
.. mrs. danish is the BESTEST teacher. st
ring: renegade supreme. edicius: y
ou must LIVE on cyberchat or something..
flood: okok, your menusets coming. ac
idic soap: okok, your ansis coming. gimme a break.
quran sp?!: a hundred for an ansi, e
h? okie ... ... newsflash
! chromatik is really
lord jazzs younger brother!
eerie is their father! ... the tr
uth is out! ... d
err ...
look, eerie! I can do inverse, too!
wee ...
................................... a
nd a special thanks to all the die hard blade fans and member
s who have made it worth kee
ping over this past year. we will rock your
world in the new blade ye
ar. happy blade new year!
we kick ass...
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