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- look it up and then tell me,
[8C[0;1;36mi kn[0;36mow t[0;1;
34mhat [0;1;30mit m[A
[24C[0means a lot or something like t
hat) unlike most
[5C[0;1;36mpeo[0;36mple t[0;1;34mhat [0;1
;30mgo w[A
[21C[0mith the 'IN' music. I listen to just abou
t anyt[A
[0;1;36mexc[0;36mept '[0;1;34mHue[
0;1;30my Le[0m[A
[19Cwis n'the News', for some reason every
time i hear t[A
[6C[0;1;36mshi[0;36mt i f[0;1;34
meel [0;1;30mlik[0m[A
[21Ce killing the lead singer. Well
hopefully a lot of
[0;1;36mpeo[0;36mple [0;1;34mfee[0;1
;30ml th[0me[A
[19C same and someone does kill him (but if h
e gets murd[A
[6C[0;1;36myou [0;36mcan[0;1;34m'
t b[0;1;30mlam[0me[A
[21C me :) ) oh well, they did the wor
ld a favor. Damn
[0;1;36mthi[0;36ms fi[0;1;34mle i[0;1
;30ms ge[0m[A
[19Ctting pretty lengthy hopefully someday i'l
l release [A
[0;1;36min a[0;36mn Ar[0;1;34mt
pa[0;1;30mck o[A
[20C[0mf some sort, and if i feel like it
i'll even put[A
[68C it in
[0;1;36mnic[0;36me co[0;1
;34mlor[0;1;30ms fo[0mr[A
[19C you people. But as of right
now i'm not in any gro[A
GR[0;1;34miM i [0;1;30mgue[0m[A
[21Css but that's gonna di
e in about 4 days or so but i
[6C[0;1;36mi'm [0;36mthi[0;1;
34mnki[0;1;30mng o[0mf[A
[21C joining another group but i'm
not decided yet maybe
[0;1;36mBLa[0;36mDe o[0;1;34mr BR
[19C, not sure though. By the time i'm d
one i should be[A
[71C in
[6C[0;1;36mone [0;36mof t[0;1;
34mhos[0;1;30me (a[0m[A
[21Cnd if i don't make it guess wha
t?.... you won't see
s[0m.. hehe.)
[0;1;36mWel[0;36ml i t[0;1;34mhin[0;1;30
mk th[0mat[A
[19C's enought for now.. but maybe i'll feel li
ke adding[A
[71C to it
[0;1;36mone [0;36mday[0;1;34m..
b[0;1;30mut i [0m[A
[19Cdoubt it.. b/c i'm real lazy.. i'm
lazier then lazy.[A
[71C. :)
[0;1;30mT'K BkN[0m
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