this image contains text
Seeing as I am co-sysop for The Nocturnal Trip da artist skizzo, Chemosh
tells me all the time that I must make MORE ansis for his board :
Here is a Main Menu Logo for Coroner.
----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------TheNocturnalTrip h
cwrite da op
vview stats opage da op
wchange stats
eenter msg lamers list
rread msg bulletins
uupload voodoo spells .
ddownload nibbles
jchange conf autosignature
tchange prot ulbyuld by
zsearch word rumoradder
nnew files scan fview f-area
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
A cewl city MAIN MENU Logo. For Nocturnal Trip ofcoz :
----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------The nOcTurNal TriP
nOcTurNal ciTy
uupload lamers list
ddownload nibbles
jchange conf zsearch word eenter msg voodoo spells
fview f-area nnew files scan rread msg autosignature
tchange prot vview stats cwrite da op ulbyuld by
wchange stats opage da op
bbulletins rumoradder
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
A slight variation of the above Logo...
----8-cut here-8-------------------------------------------------------------- The nOcTurNal TriP
nOcTurNal ciTy
jchange conf zsearch word
fview f-area nnew files scan eenter msg lamers list
tchange prot vview stats rread msg nibbles
wchange stats cwrite da op voodoo spells
bbulletins opage da op autosignature
rumoradder ulbyuld by
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
This one is also a Main Menu for TNT and its a bit nice :
----8-cut here-8-------------------------------------------------------------- MA MU
-The nOcTurNal TriP- vview stats
wchange stats
zsearch word
nnew files scan
eenter msg
uupload rread msg
cwrite da op
jchange conf opage da op
fview f-area
tchange prot voodoo spells
lamers list ulbyuld by
h nibbles rumoradder
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------- Name: Main Menus for TNT ! By: Shinigami//AXss + Chemosh 1997
These ansis are also a bit old, but well, if you do wanna use them, you may,
but only the first three Ansis ! Not the last one cause that one Chemosh chose to put online in his board... but using them does not mean you can rip em !
They must stay unchanged please... cu...
h / m
I command the Devil...
Seeing as I am co-sysop for The Nocturnal Trip da artist skizzo, Chemosh
tells me all the time that I must make MORE ansis for his board :
Here is a Main Menu Logo for Coroner.
----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------TheNocturnalTrip h
cwrite da op
vview stats opage da op
wchange stats
eenter msg lamers list
rread msg bulletins
uupload voodoo spells .
ddownload nibbles
jchange conf autosignature
tchange prot ulbyuld by
zsearch word rumoradder
nnew files scan fview f-area
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
A cewl city MAIN MENU Logo. For Nocturnal Trip ofcoz :
----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------The nOcTurNal TriP
nOcTurNal ciTy
uupload lamers list
ddownload nibbles
jchange conf zsearch word eenter msg voodoo spells
fview f-area nnew files scan rread msg autosignature
tchange prot vview stats cwrite da op ulbyuld by
wchange stats opage da op
bbulletins rumoradder
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
A slight variation of the above Logo...
----8-cut here-8-------------------------------------------------------------- The nOcTurNal TriP
nOcTurNal ciTy
jchange conf zsearch word
fview f-area nnew files scan eenter msg lamers list
tchange prot vview stats rread msg nibbles
wchange stats cwrite da op voodoo spells
bbulletins opage da op autosignature
rumoradder ulbyuld by
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
This one is also a Main Menu for TNT and its a bit nice :
----8-cut here-8-------------------------------------------------------------- MA MU
-The nOcTurNal TriP- vview stats
wchange stats
zsearch word
nnew files scan
eenter msg
uupload rread msg
cwrite da op
jchange conf opage da op
fview f-area
tchange prot voodoo spells
lamers list ulbyuld by
h nibbles rumoradder
This area is reserved for all of the command type-ins and for the little information bar at the very bottom of the screen. Get rid of it when you want to use this Logo. This MAIN MENU Logo was made for THE NOCTURNAL TRIP. -8-cut this part away-8----8-cut here-8--------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------- Name: Main Menus for TNT ! By: Shinigami//AXss + Chemosh 1997
These ansis are also a bit old, but well, if you do wanna use them, you may,
but only the first three Ansis ! Not the last one cause that one Chemosh chose to put online in his board... but using them does not mean you can rip em !
They must stay unchanged please... cu...
h / m
I command the Devil...
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