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d0eZ THiZ MeaN i iZ a d00dleboy??
:::::::::::::::: KuT HeRe!! ::::::::::::::::
Pic of Johnny Alpha from cover of 2000AD Monthly 2000AD - the KICKARSE
June 93 issue, called Strontium Dog inRAGE comic of all time...
Have mercy - its the first ive actually seriously tried to do... not bad
for a first, is it? 8-
AV Thorn Instability is we good or is we good?
Goblin OPEs - Oblivion/2 Programming Extensions 8-
Fluff fluffy the ROADKILL!!! gee - lets do wheelies infront of pigmobiles..
Messiah the best obv/2 setup in vic.... SOFAR!
Flick shame on you - making me change my greets list 8-
The Animal shit... cant think of a smartarse comment...
Jinx j0j0j0 MiSTa DeaLa - i iZ WaNTiN Da WiTE PoWDa!8-
everyone else remember grasshopper - lemmings have quicker sexlives
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DiZ iZ Da eNDiNK!!
d0eZ THiZ MeaN i iZ a d00dleboy??
:::::::::::::::: KuT HeRe!! ::::::::::::::::
Pic of Johnny Alpha from cover of 2000AD Monthly 2000AD - the KICKARSE
June 93 issue, called Strontium Dog inRAGE comic of all time...
Have mercy - its the first ive actually seriously tried to do... not bad
for a first, is it? 8-
AV Thorn Instability is we good or is we good?
Goblin OPEs - Oblivion/2 Programming Extensions 8-
Fluff fluffy the ROADKILL!!! gee - lets do wheelies infront of pigmobiles..
Messiah the best obv/2 setup in vic.... SOFAR!
Flick shame on you - making me change my greets list 8-
The Animal shit... cant think of a smartarse comment...
Jinx j0j0j0 MiSTa DeaLa - i iZ WaNTiN Da WiTE PoWDa!8-
everyone else remember grasshopper - lemmings have quicker sexlives
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DiZ iZ Da eNDiNK!!
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