this image contains text
4b, , Sp, j5!asp , ,db, 4, b, Sp,
,db, b, b,
,, b, 4b, b, , ,b, 4, , ,qS , ,S@pggggg ,d ,, , ,, , , ,, , 7 4 ,, ,, ,7 ,q@SS@p, ,,, ,7 4, 4, ,7 ,qS747 7, 4, 7 ,d7 ,d, , 7 ,d7 ,q , Sp, ,q@S , * Sp,, 7 ,*,d7 ,qS,, ,, , , ,47,, ,d,d7,q,4 7,7,, , , ,4b, ,d,7,dS@pggg@S7,d,, ,b, ,b,47,qS ,, S@pgggggggggg@S ,,, ,,, i,,,ii., iii,,,iiii,,11iii,,8811iii,,8811iiii,7,,,,,,,47,81111iiii b, 47,d81111iii,47,d8111iii,,47,qS88111iii b,4Sp,477,q@S8111ii,b,4Sp,q@S7,qS,48111iii b,47,q@SSp,4111iii,b,47,q@SSp,8811ii b,47,q@S,8111ii,Sp,47,q@S,411iii S@gggg@SS@ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg747474,db,,db,,db, 7 4 7,4 ******** ,, , gg b,,d b,,d ,47,47,,47,747**********g***********g*******4*****474,db,,db,,db,,db,,db,,db, 74 74 74 47 47 74 ** 47 ,47,gg gg gg,47,,7, gggg 4S@gp, **** gggg,d7,d ,db, ** ,db, ,d7,d gg b,,d b,,d ,db,,db,,qp,,4 7,47,47,47,47,,,S@g@SS@g@SS@gggggggg@SS@gggggggg@SS@gggggggg@SS@gggggggg@SS@@S its an aspire ascii forchristsakes
Filename: J5!ICEBL.ASC
For: Aspire Pack 2
Date: 07-15-98
Remarks: Well.. here we go.. Puffs favorite
ascii of mine... heres to the 2nd
pack, boys and girls...
Ohh.. and its supposed to be a
detective from a manga comic
called IceBlade
Greetz: Puff, fd, my baby Ifurita
,db, b, b,
,, b, 4b, b, , ,b, 4, , ,qS , ,S@pggggg ,d ,, , ,, , , ,, , 7 4 ,, ,, ,7 ,q@SS@p, ,,, ,7 4, 4, ,7 ,qS747 7, 4, 7 ,d7 ,d, , 7 ,d7 ,q , Sp, ,q@S , * Sp,, 7 ,*,d7 ,qS,, ,, , , ,47,, ,d,d7,q,4 7,7,, , , ,4b, ,d,7,dS@pggg@S7,d,, ,b, ,b,47,qS ,, S@pgggggggggg@S ,,, ,,, i,,,ii., iii,,,iiii,,11iii,,8811iii,,8811iiii,7,,,,,,,47,81111iiii b, 47,d81111iii,47,d8111iii,,47,qS88111iii b,4Sp,477,q@S8111ii,b,4Sp,q@S7,qS,48111iii b,47,q@SSp,4111iii,b,47,q@SSp,8811ii b,47,q@S,8111ii,Sp,47,q@S,411iii S@gggg@SS@ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg747474,db,,db,,db, 7 4 7,4 ******** ,, , gg b,,d b,,d ,47,47,,47,747**********g***********g*******4*****474,db,,db,,db,,db,,db,,db, 74 74 74 47 47 74 ** 47 ,47,gg gg gg,47,,7, gggg 4S@gp, **** gggg,d7,d ,db, ** ,db, ,d7,d gg b,,d b,,d ,db,,db,,qp,,4 7,47,47,47,47,,,S@g@SS@g@SS@gggggggg@SS@gggggggg@SS@gggggggg@SS@gggggggg@SS@@S its an aspire ascii forchristsakes
Filename: J5!ICEBL.ASC
For: Aspire Pack 2
Date: 07-15-98
Remarks: Well.. here we go.. Puffs favorite
ascii of mine... heres to the 2nd
pack, boys and girls...
Ohh.. and its supposed to be a
detective from a manga comic
called IceBlade
Greetz: Puff, fd, my baby Ifurita
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