aqua!ascii by joint
aqua!ascii by joint
. ,yy,. ., ,d
ly,..,db dy,.,dl
dPP s! ,db,
P 7b,.dPP*,
,y**,. 7 ,sdSSb. , l ,ySSy. .
,47 7b d74b .,yP ,d ,d75b. ,
d7 Wl d7 l. 7 ,yl 7 lW! ,
--- d db lW! W 7b. .: l!l .d , 7b,.b d7. 7b ,S7 l. 7bsy 7b,d b, lP.db.5bbl,lb,7Sy*,db,4. 7P
,dP4bl :dbyy.,yydSby.,sdSby..
57 th! P .dP4W7
aqua joint
sculpture - first a and u letter + upper background + coloring + shading +
thorax - q and last a letter + bottom background