this image contains text
// aphr0 aScii demo by biOgenesis ..
a a a. .a a .a a
yyyyyaaa :: :: :: ::
yyyyyyyyyaaayyyyyayyyyyaaa ayyyyyaa ayyyyyayyyyya aayyyyyayyyyyaaa yyyyyyy
: : : : : .l
// icebreaker - request: mso ..
aaaa 4 4 4 4 4a
P4!a. .a!P4!a. .a!P4!a. .a!P4!a. .aa. bio
a a a aa,,ad
, ..,d d
, ...,aP.,,,,daP .,,,da , ..,.a ,. .,.
b ., .,
*Pa,..,adP *ba *ba,.,adP*ba,.,ad *ba .aY
icebreaker +o mSO
// aphro demo ..
,a@a,. .,aSa, aSa, aSa, ,a@a,.
,1 SaaS aa aa aa aa
1 1 1 a
a ,, , a, a ,
?P?PPS? S? ?P
+--------:----- ,-----:---- ----:------ -------------:- biOaphr0
// moslem demo request: emmjay ..
a@SPadb,. ,a@Sa,.?b, b
1 ? Sa ?
l, a 1
1 S
aa aa ,dP, aa
1, ??SPP PS?
P db,.. mOslem biOgenesis ......,bd P
// stay for the show ..
welcome me back to the scene.. formally in wicked, rile, and cancer..
wow thats really exciting eh? these phonts must be making you shit your
self eh? well they are just for fun.. i would normally do some oldschool
but i guess i am just seeing what newschool is all about.. i need to round
and get my own unique style going so bear with me.. why is it that i have been
invited into like five small groups?.. seeing how my ascii is total garbage
i really have no idea what starts these groups from popin out.. well enjoy
well you can next month i might try some oldschool but colored the day i
see the aphro oldschoolers color is the day i pee my self..
// greets from me?! ..
ca1n - 4o3s elitest person/board and just for respect..
d2 - for getting me back into the scene..
mjay - all the wicked fonts you whiped up for me..
sargon - for making me ascii for phree
bLACKDAWn - you ascii rules make more :p
squish - well this is for something
eeyOre - well for saying i rule and making me star in some group?!
- biOgenesis aphro!klan ascii
// the end?! nah! .. down here way down?!
// old school from which pakz?! oasis bioach ..
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
-- bIO!/--
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
::l* ::.:
8888888888g. 88888888
maSs diStortion! +oh biOgenesis
// now thats the end?! yeah! ..
a a a. .a a .a a
yyyyyaaa :: :: :: ::
yyyyyyyyyaaayyyyyayyyyyaaa ayyyyyaa ayyyyyayyyyya aayyyyyayyyyyaaa yyyyyyy
: : : : : .l
// icebreaker - request: mso ..
aaaa 4 4 4 4 4a
P4!a. .a!P4!a. .a!P4!a. .a!P4!a. .aa. bio
a a a aa,,ad
, ..,d d
, ...,aP.,,,,daP .,,,da , ..,.a ,. .,.
b ., .,
*Pa,..,adP *ba *ba,.,adP*ba,.,ad *ba .aY
icebreaker +o mSO
// aphro demo ..
,a@a,. .,aSa, aSa, aSa, ,a@a,.
,1 SaaS aa aa aa aa
1 1 1 a
a ,, , a, a ,
?P?PPS? S? ?P
+--------:----- ,-----:---- ----:------ -------------:- biOaphr0
// moslem demo request: emmjay ..
a@SPadb,. ,a@Sa,.?b, b
1 ? Sa ?
l, a 1
1 S
aa aa ,dP, aa
1, ??SPP PS?
P db,.. mOslem biOgenesis ......,bd P
// stay for the show ..
welcome me back to the scene.. formally in wicked, rile, and cancer..
wow thats really exciting eh? these phonts must be making you shit your
self eh? well they are just for fun.. i would normally do some oldschool
but i guess i am just seeing what newschool is all about.. i need to round
and get my own unique style going so bear with me.. why is it that i have been
invited into like five small groups?.. seeing how my ascii is total garbage
i really have no idea what starts these groups from popin out.. well enjoy
well you can next month i might try some oldschool but colored the day i
see the aphro oldschoolers color is the day i pee my self..
// greets from me?! ..
ca1n - 4o3s elitest person/board and just for respect..
d2 - for getting me back into the scene..
mjay - all the wicked fonts you whiped up for me..
sargon - for making me ascii for phree
bLACKDAWn - you ascii rules make more :p
squish - well this is for something
eeyOre - well for saying i rule and making me star in some group?!
- biOgenesis aphro!klan ascii
// the end?! nah! .. down here way down?!
// old school from which pakz?! oasis bioach ..
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
-- bIO!/--
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
// these logos are kewl does this make me elite? ..
::l* ::.:
8888888888g. 88888888
maSs diStortion! +oh biOgenesis
// now thats the end?! yeah! ..
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