this image contains text
another little sandcastle from ewheatious...... --
sir, im sorry i used your apathy logo. please dont rape me. 3t-71,788 bytes
apathy, the real funk.
cash we miss u
y-HAPP, this boards called
. tainted meat, and its broccolious affils
are uhm, i dunno. its li ke, everyone hates me or
something so I probably have all of
my affils taken away.... uhm.
/ / / / / / -ewheatious
/ / / / marsh mallows
forever. wayne bell.
greet page : big.
TRiP, misfit, vb
chexbitz, spook, fk
blaksmit, ViViD-, eO
rts crew, drd, nd,
sinned, lOopy, elliz,
blenderhead, spear, rZa
sharpy, sir death, cidica
arch-magi, the limit, whodini
kanji, gub, trojan, l-ho, bedlam,
28, vital, captain, mcp, ippy, assaylant, deg7
dk, tkiller, apox, mrmuff, mistawho, remorse.
+ one day i decided to make a sandcastle on the beach...
... i built it.
space for and, i never wanted to stop...
rent. then it got kixd
down. :
-big h0se
tainted meat
staff : ewheat and rcm
a buncha spiffy mods and fat people porn.
apathy logo : sir death. meat logo : TRiP
garbage : ewheat
sir, im sorry i used your apathy logo. please dont rape me. 3t-71,788 bytes
apathy, the real funk.
cash we miss u
y-HAPP, this boards called
. tainted meat, and its broccolious affils
are uhm, i dunno. its li ke, everyone hates me or
something so I probably have all of
my affils taken away.... uhm.
/ / / / / / -ewheatious
/ / / / marsh mallows
forever. wayne bell.
greet page : big.
TRiP, misfit, vb
chexbitz, spook, fk
blaksmit, ViViD-, eO
rts crew, drd, nd,
sinned, lOopy, elliz,
blenderhead, spear, rZa
sharpy, sir death, cidica
arch-magi, the limit, whodini
kanji, gub, trojan, l-ho, bedlam,
28, vital, captain, mcp, ippy, assaylant, deg7
dk, tkiller, apox, mrmuff, mistawho, remorse.
+ one day i decided to make a sandcastle on the beach...
... i built it.
space for and, i never wanted to stop...
rent. then it got kixd
down. :
-big h0se
tainted meat
staff : ewheat and rcm
a buncha spiffy mods and fat people porn.
apathy logo : sir death. meat logo : TRiP
garbage : ewheat
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