this image contains text
yy87 :...: : ...............:... : :
47 yy87 :........: : : :.....:
88b,y8y,. 47 .,y8:..:
888 8 88n,y8y,. 8888yyyyyyyyyy the first one is not an
l8 9 888 8 liyy ad, the rest are I think
l:::y, ,y8 l: 9 ,. yyyy blah Im leaving........
l8::8, ,y8,y: ,l8
:................ lyyy8b,d7
:................. -higherstate
: ads : ............:......:
yy yySh yy yy
*5 yyyyy y*,l* yyy yy yy:hs,. yy.,dh,. .,888y
yl *,l8888 : 7SS4h, zdS
.,syTys,. i yyyy yyyyyyyy: 7Sh, y,
:lS8::S8h, l
i i
:l :
h,.. h,, h,..,* 888l 888:
eor - last callers - eor
0o /
/ :7qy,.
/ :yyyy :8 @Sh
: Sh : :7qy,. higherstate
:b,d : : D
: SSh,.dS@ :
:h,.d@Sh,. :
SiiSS@ :
yyh yy
y *8 yyy yyyyy yyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy 5* yyyy
: lair of death +o whoelse? l :
: i yyyyy .,syys,. .,syTys,. :
: l ::8 ,d8S::8Sl: :
: i i :
: : l: :
hb, b,, ..,dd
,.dS h,.,dS h, .,dS h,
T .,sd7T ,sd7+0 serial toon T .,sd7
,dh 4T,dh,yyyY dh,4Y
Th,,.47. Yh,.47.S h,S SYh,.47.
, Sh STh .,sd7 dS
dSh,. .dh ,d 4T dS:
hyyyyS: Th,,.47Th,, . 47
. .,g4Sh,
.g4 .,dthe lost city .,g4S SSh,
.,g4S yyy yyyyyyyy .,g7S +0 aftershock .,g4S .,d
::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,::
::47:: ::47:: ::47:: ::47:: ::47:: ::47::
@sy7 4T@su7 S@so7
// O0 /
the lost city yes Im lost. Do you know why your lost? /
+0 aftershock no. Your in the lost city!
47 yy87 :........: : : :.....:
88b,y8y,. 47 .,y8:..:
888 8 88n,y8y,. 8888yyyyyyyyyy the first one is not an
l8 9 888 8 liyy ad, the rest are I think
l:::y, ,y8 l: 9 ,. yyyy blah Im leaving........
l8::8, ,y8,y: ,l8
:................ lyyy8b,d7
:................. -higherstate
: ads : ............:......:
yy yySh yy yy
*5 yyyyy y*,l* yyy yy yy:hs,. yy.,dh,. .,888y
yl *,l8888 : 7SS4h, zdS
.,syTys,. i yyyy yyyyyyyy: 7Sh, y,
:lS8::S8h, l
i i
:l :
h,.. h,, h,..,* 888l 888:
eor - last callers - eor
0o /
/ :7qy,.
/ :yyyy :8 @Sh
: Sh : :7qy,. higherstate
:b,d : : D
: SSh,.dS@ :
:h,.d@Sh,. :
SiiSS@ :
yyh yy
y *8 yyy yyyyy yyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy 5* yyyy
: lair of death +o whoelse? l :
: i yyyyy .,syys,. .,syTys,. :
: l ::8 ,d8S::8Sl: :
: i i :
: : l: :
hb, b,, ..,dd
,.dS h,.,dS h, .,dS h,
T .,sd7T ,sd7+0 serial toon T .,sd7
,dh 4T,dh,yyyY dh,4Y
Th,,.47. Yh,.47.S h,S SYh,.47.
, Sh STh .,sd7 dS
dSh,. .dh ,d 4T dS:
hyyyyS: Th,,.47Th,, . 47
. .,g4Sh,
.g4 .,dthe lost city .,g4S SSh,
.,g4S yyy yyyyyyyy .,g7S +0 aftershock .,g4S .,d
::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,:: ::,dh,::
::47:: ::47:: ::47:: ::47:: ::47:: ::47::
@sy7 4T@su7 S@so7
// O0 /
the lost city yes Im lost. Do you know why your lost? /
+0 aftershock no. Your in the lost city!
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