This is Ansi Factorys eigth and last so called release. This time we have
only 14 ansis. Our last packet was released on 26.03.1994, so a year has passed
since our last release. Actually AFC has been dead for a long time already, but
Stormy gave me these few ansis about year ago and finally I decided to re-
lease them as our last ansi packet.
Ansis in this packet are:
filename size artist
dj-recta.ans 2408 Deetsay
dj-stop!.ans 3893 Deetsay
dj-tapsa.ans 3424 Deetsay
kr-churc.ans 6145 Krusher
kr-nato.ans 1964 Krusher
mu-elit2.ans 7550 Mule
mu-men.ans 18008 Mule
su-bb.ans 3029 Suhu
su-enet.ans 11096 Suhu
su-juve.ans 11599 Suhu
su-tec.ans 6832 Suhu
su-tec2.ans 10576 Suhu if you got any questi-
ude-ew.ans 7890 Ude ons or comments, I will
ude-juve.ans 14075 Ude be receiving them at
- Suhu