this image contains text
get ready
to read.
The hefty man marched up our stairs
with courage in his stride.
And entered so, the trap
of theirs,
with gogg
les, gas, and pride.
He gave to us a card which read:
Big Al, Exterminator.
Wed soon be rid, or so he said,
of pesky vermin raiders.
He claimed hed have no trouble
Sterilizing buzzing nests,
He would rid us, on the double,
of our wood-devouring pests.
Now, these termites, they were insects
of no ordinary size
And they looked upon our duplex
as a tasty wooden prize.
They gnawed upon the furniture,
and chewed up all the doors.
We stepped, with much discomforture,
Upon our nibbled floors.
This Orkin man extraordinaire
arrived upon the scene.
He said hed lay his little snares
And tell us what hed seen.
So he loaded up his Raid cans,
and he fired up a torch,
and he ventured down, that poor brave man,
beneath the backyard porch.
And we waited, oh, we waited,
for the day and night, and then
Collectively, breaths baited,
we all waited it again.
With four such days, we heard a noise,
emitting from down under.
We fled in fear, while lacking poise
the house, it shook and thundered!
Amidst a great and rending sound,
with rubble flying far,
Our cozy house embraced the ground
and landed on our car.
While waiting for the dus
t to clear,
we saw, emerge, a
It soon became apparent, here,
Big Ald re-join our band.
We helped him up, and sat him down,
And listened to his tale.
And as he told us what hed found,
his face grew slowly pale.
He spoke of great behemoths there,
of elephants, of sharks
It seems hed found the termites lair
Alone there in the dark.
He said, I never seen em so.
Not here, not there, not Paris!
Therere things a mans not meant to know
inside your Termite Terrace!
termite terrace sysops: toon goon a
nd nivenh
ansi by halasteracid lit by cthuluacid/mi
ska sucks. ska revival isnt cool, you stupid fu
cks. the bands are only in
it for the bucks. and if you dont believe me, youre a
shmuck. heh. heh.
greets to: all the acid guys, all the quadiliach
a guys, all the guys who
listen to em and know what that quotes from and
all the people who are
joining me in the class of 99. college, of cour
se. ansi by hal for mrf.
get ready
to read.
The hefty man marched up our stairs
with courage in his stride.
And entered so, the trap
of theirs,
with gogg
les, gas, and pride.
He gave to us a card which read:
Big Al, Exterminator.
Wed soon be rid, or so he said,
of pesky vermin raiders.
He claimed hed have no trouble
Sterilizing buzzing nests,
He would rid us, on the double,
of our wood-devouring pests.
Now, these termites, they were insects
of no ordinary size
And they looked upon our duplex
as a tasty wooden prize.
They gnawed upon the furniture,
and chewed up all the doors.
We stepped, with much discomforture,
Upon our nibbled floors.
This Orkin man extraordinaire
arrived upon the scene.
He said hed lay his little snares
And tell us what hed seen.
So he loaded up his Raid cans,
and he fired up a torch,
and he ventured down, that poor brave man,
beneath the backyard porch.
And we waited, oh, we waited,
for the day and night, and then
Collectively, breaths baited,
we all waited it again.
With four such days, we heard a noise,
emitting from down under.
We fled in fear, while lacking poise
the house, it shook and thundered!
Amidst a great and rending sound,
with rubble flying far,
Our cozy house embraced the ground
and landed on our car.
While waiting for the dus
t to clear,
we saw, emerge, a
It soon became apparent, here,
Big Ald re-join our band.
We helped him up, and sat him down,
And listened to his tale.
And as he told us what hed found,
his face grew slowly pale.
He spoke of great behemoths there,
of elephants, of sharks
It seems hed found the termites lair
Alone there in the dark.
He said, I never seen em so.
Not here, not there, not Paris!
Therere things a mans not meant to know
inside your Termite Terrace!
termite terrace sysops: toon goon a
nd nivenh
ansi by halasteracid lit by cthuluacid/mi
ska sucks. ska revival isnt cool, you stupid fu
cks. the bands are only in
it for the bucks. and if you dont believe me, youre a
shmuck. heh. heh.
greets to: all the acid guys, all the quadiliach
a guys, all the guys who
listen to em and know what that quotes from and
all the people who are
joining me in the class of 99. college, of cour
se. ansi by hal for mrf.
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