this image contains text
r e v e l a t i o n
Finals are coming up with zillions of
crap due so I didnt get as much time to
practice or draw. As you can see in this
colly, I am trying different ways of dra- wing with various results of good and bad.
feedback? trade? or small petty cash? my email is: fatpookie@juno.com
drawn by Revelation
+greetz: risu: for getting me into this mess
ITS HIM AGAIN! fever: for encouragement a tutorial
samurai: hard working boss....
+punchz: Night Warrior lamer angel dust: for copying ur math hw
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
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this ansi is for SPAM modding group, one of my better ansis this month.
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s p e c i a l
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
as you can see, Im starting to work on my backrounds on this one...
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i n
l s
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this ansi is for a board in 408. 408 is dead...if you got some 408 bbs , e-mailme.
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
font for a bbs mod in production by SPAM modding group...
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
p r o j e c t / 3 o i
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something is missing but I just cant put my mouse on it..
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
h o l o d e c k
Chat/Files/Games telnet:wwcomm.com WWW:www.wwcomm.com
San Jose: 408261-1313 Fremont: 408935-9366
- I like doing that!
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
Lame ass chat board in 408. I made this ansi for them so I can get free IRC/
Theyre so cheap that they dont allow d/ls in IRC. If you can get me
an inet account or IRC, e-mail me. Ill practically do anything!
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
now for the bad..
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
tried to do a backround.. unsuccesful.
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
this months bad ansi, hey... everyone is entitled to do a bad ansi once in a
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
Lazarus .. risen from the dead..
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
This sucks, rip this...rip this...rip this...rip this...rip this...rip this...-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------Copyright C All Rights Reserved
in other words, rip and DIE!
r e v e l a t i o n
Finals are coming up with zillions of
crap due so I didnt get as much time to
practice or draw. As you can see in this
colly, I am trying different ways of dra- wing with various results of good and bad.
feedback? trade? or small petty cash? my email is: fatpookie@juno.com
drawn by Revelation
+greetz: risu: for getting me into this mess
ITS HIM AGAIN! fever: for encouragement a tutorial
samurai: hard working boss....
+punchz: Night Warrior lamer angel dust: for copying ur math hw
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
this ansi is for SPAM modding group, one of my better ansis this month.
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
s p e c i a l
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
as you can see, Im starting to work on my backrounds on this one...
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
i n
l s
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
this ansi is for a board in 408. 408 is dead...if you got some 408 bbs , e-mailme.
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
font for a bbs mod in production by SPAM modding group...
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
p r o j e c t / 3 o i
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
something is missing but I just cant put my mouse on it..
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
h o l o d e c k
Chat/Files/Games telnet:wwcomm.com WWW:www.wwcomm.com
San Jose: 408261-1313 Fremont: 408935-9366
- I like doing that!
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
Lame ass chat board in 408. I made this ansi for them so I can get free IRC/
Theyre so cheap that they dont allow d/ls in IRC. If you can get me
an inet account or IRC, e-mail me. Ill practically do anything!
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
now for the bad..
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
tried to do a backround.. unsuccesful.
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
this months bad ansi, hey... everyone is entitled to do a bad ansi once in a
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
Lazarus .. risen from the dead..
-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------
This sucks, rip this...rip this...rip this...rip this...rip this...rip this...-------------------------------------------bite here--------------------------Copyright C All Rights Reserved
in other words, rip and DIE!
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