this image contains text
this is a com
pilation of
logo requests a
nd logos
that i did du
ring the month.
please look and en
joy it,
kinda. only one menu this
month. D
fluxland most probably my best looking
in-vga-mode logo i have done
private system i
nvitation only
sysop : hyperlog
two highspe
ed nodes
logo by egoteq adment
rift emag this months weird-looking ri
ft interface
egoteq of adment
h help on rift ele
cronic magazine
about rift electronic magazine
some unused skull
no, there is no boa
rd called
unused, just that this logo is
and you know why
cute eh? D
a just LOOK At it. its disgusting
b it really looks like shit.
c its totally crapped up
d its got
red eyes
e for heaven
s sake, its got a tongue
f hes a crackhead. hes on dru
his nose is demented
h hes got so
me sort of cranial problem on his
right your left side
i i could go on, but i wont. D
the menushell for the vestige
t h e v e s t i
g e
prev . a
command goes here .
a command g
next . b
command goes here . b
command goes
. c
command goes here ./c
command goes
. d
command goes here .
d command goes h
. . e
command goes here .
e command goes h
. b command goes here
./a command go
es here . f comm
and goes h
. c command goes here
. b command go
es here . g comm
and goes h
./d command goes here
. c command go
es here ./h comm
and goes h
. e command goes here
. d command go
es here . d comm
and goes h
./f command goes here
. e command go
es here . e comm
and goes h
. g command
goes here . f c
ommand goes here . f
command goes h
. h comman
d goes here ./g
command goes here ./g
command goes h
. h
command goes here . h
command goes
pilation of
logo requests a
nd logos
that i did du
ring the month.
please look and en
joy it,
kinda. only one menu this
month. D
fluxland most probably my best looking
in-vga-mode logo i have done
private system i
nvitation only
sysop : hyperlog
two highspe
ed nodes
logo by egoteq adment
rift emag this months weird-looking ri
ft interface
egoteq of adment
h help on rift ele
cronic magazine
about rift electronic magazine
some unused skull
no, there is no boa
rd called
unused, just that this logo is
and you know why
cute eh? D
a just LOOK At it. its disgusting
b it really looks like shit.
c its totally crapped up
d its got
red eyes
e for heaven
s sake, its got a tongue
f hes a crackhead. hes on dru
his nose is demented
h hes got so
me sort of cranial problem on his
right your left side
i i could go on, but i wont. D
the menushell for the vestige
t h e v e s t i
g e
prev . a
command goes here .
a command g
next . b
command goes here . b
command goes
. c
command goes here ./c
command goes
. d
command goes here .
d command goes h
. . e
command goes here .
e command goes h
. b command goes here
./a command go
es here . f comm
and goes h
. c command goes here
. b command go
es here . g comm
and goes h
./d command goes here
. c command go
es here ./h comm
and goes h
. e command goes here
. d command go
es here . d comm
and goes h
./f command goes here
. e command go
es here . e comm
and goes h
. g command
goes here . f c
ommand goes here . f
command goes h
. h comman
d goes here ./g
command goes here ./g
command goes h
. h
command goes here . h
command goes
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