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hugi the 19th g
the superior .?
Welcome to Hugi 19. Actually there isnt much to write in a .nfo
file of a diskmag, maybe except the words: Just read the mag! :
Seriously: Please read the file Useguide.txt before starting Hugi
by executing Hugi19.exe. It contains some valuable information on
controlling the Hugi interface, what to do in case of technical
problems and how to speed up the execution speed of Hugi if it
doesnt work fast enough on your PC. When you are in Hugi 19, you
can always read this User Guide by pressing the F1 key.
Bonus Source Code Pack
Due to its size, the bonus pack, containing supplemental source
codes to the programming-related articles in this Hugi issue, is
available separately at and the other servers
where Hugi is offered to download search for or
The Royal Family
Enormously impressed by Prince Edwards and Sophie Rhys-Joness
royal wedding, Adok decided that Hugi also needed a Royal Family!
So here it is. The Royal Family consists of the members of the
Hugi Core and some of the people who have been of major importance
for the success of Hugi. Only people who have been active for Hugi
and supported it with high-quality contributions for a long time
can become members of The Royal Family. The current members are:
King and Prophet Adok. Editor, Coder. Hugi Core.
Prince Chris Dragan. Coder, Editor. Hugi Core.
Mage Dario Phong. Editor, Coder. Hugi Core.
Prince Dendrite. Editor, Musician, Coder. Hugi Core.
Prince Ghandy. Editor. DKG, Faith, Gods, Hugi Core.
Prince Hellfire. Graphician, Coder. Haujobb.
Prince Jabberwocky. Editor. Lower Bavaria.
Prince Makke. Editor, Musician. Visuale.
Prince Mr. SEQ. Musician. NoLogic.
Prince Psykax. Editor, Coder.
Prince Salami. Web-host, Coder. Nothing.
Prince Slash. Editor, Ascii artist. Secular.
Prince Street Raider. Coder. DDT Entertainment.
Prince TAD. Editor, Graphician, Coder. Hugi Core.
Releases so far
1996/04 - Hugendubelexpress Intro Pack - intro
1996/05 - Hugendubelexpress 1 -
1996/08 - Hugendubelexpress 2 -
1996/11 - Hugendubelexpress 3 -
1997/01 - Hugendubelexpress 4 -
1997/03 - Hugi 5 -
1997/05 - Hugi 6 -
1997/07 - Hugi 7 -
1997/10 - Hugi 8 -
1997/10 - Adoks Way to Assembler - tutorial
1997/12 - Hugi 9 - The Next Generation -
1998/03 - mags.faq v1.0 - textfile
1998/03 - Adoks Way to C - tutorial
1998/04 - mags.faq v1.1 - textfile
1998/04 - Hugi 10 -
1998/06 - mags.faq v1.2 - textfile
1998/06 - mags.faq v1.3 - textfile
1998/06 - Hugi 11 - Obscene Scene Magascene - diskmag
1998/09 - Hugi 12 - The Huge Disk Mega Zine - diskmag
1998/12 - Hugi 13 - For Educational Purposes - diskmag
1999/02 - Hugi 14 - Hugi in Afghanistan - diskmag
1999/05 - Hugi 15 - Whenever You Are Alone - diskmag
1999/06 - Austrian Scene Meeting Photo Pack - photopack
1999/07 - Hugi 16 - The Royal Scene Magazine - diskmag
1999/08 - Hugi 16 - Russian Edition -
1999/08 - Hugi 17 - For International Affairs - diskmag
1999/08 - Hugi 17 Bonus Pack - sourcecodes
1999/09 - mags.faq v1.4 - textfile
1999/10 - Preview of Hugi 18 - diskmag
1999/12 - Hugi 18 - The Eminent - diskmag
1999/12 - Hugi 18 - Russian Edition -
2000/03 - Hugi.GER 1 - Back to the roots -
2000/04 - Hugi 19 - The Superior - diskmag
2000/04 - Hugi 19 Bonus Pack - sourcecodes
Moreover, we release a weekly newsletter called HugiNews.
We beam Greetings to
een, 303dim, Aardbei, Abaddon, Abdur, Abholpapi, Abyss, Access
Denied, Acid, Acid Rain, Acme, Adet, Aion, AgraVeDict, Alba,
Alpha Millennium, Altair, Amable, Amber, Amnesia, Anadune,
Anakata, Androids Dream, Anti-Social, Appendix, Arf!Studios,
Array, Ashrama, Asoziale Randgruppe Frankfurt, Aspirine,
Astroidea, Atomik, Autopsy, Beam, Beyond, Bionix, Blabla, Black
Maiden Germany, Black Maiden Poland, Blasphemy, BNC, Bomb!,
Boombassrecords, Bora, BPM, Brainchild, Byterapers, C-Lous,
Calodox, Calvados, Capital, Castrum Doloris, CBX, Chaos Energy
Group, Centolos, CFX, Chalice, Chemical Reaction, Chippendales,
Chroma Desire, Chrome Design, Church of AntiScene, CNCD,
Colorfast, Comic Pirates, CoPro, Crazy Pinheads, Cryogen,
Cryonics, Crystal, Crystal Tokyo Clan, Cubic Team, Cycla,
Damage, Damones, Dance, Darkage, Dark Eden, Dawn, Dawn3, Daze,
Dazed, DC5, De Brasserie, Deep Deep Trouble Entertainment,
Defacto 2, Defect, Deltaspace, Der harte Kern, Deranged, Desire,
Despite, Diffusion, Digital Nerds, Digitalis, Dilemma, Dinasty,
Dirty Minds, Dolphin, Domino, Doomsday, Dope 4 Nation, Dragon,
Drei, Dual Crew Shining, Eichel, El Afghano, Elitecrew,
EliteGroup, Endzeit, Eremation, Escape, Essence, Ethos9,
Evenflow, Evolve, Ex-Avalon, Ex-Excite, Ex-Kolor, Ex-Tc,
Ex-Pulse, Exceed, Excess, Exiles, Expulsion, Extensive, FS,
Fairlight, Faith, Fake That, Farts Music, Fatum, Ficken Crew,
Fissure, Five Musicians, Fizz, Flare, Fleur, Flicker, Flood,
Flow, Fobia Design, Food, Forsaken, FRC, Frequency, Fridge,
Fudge, Fun, Fungi, Funktion, Funny Makers Crew, Fuse, Fusecon,
Fuzzion, Gaia, Genetix, Geometrek, Gfxzone, GiRaFfE, Gods,
Goferz, GP, Greenroom, Grinders, Grotesque, Halcyon, Harald Kern
Fanclub, Hardcore Coderz, Haujobb, HeadcrasH, Hellcore, Hoax
Arts, Hypermatrix, Ice, IMAgE, Image!, Imago, Immortals,
Imphobia, Index, Inferiors, Infuse Project, Intense, Interror,
Ivory, Jamm R., Japotek, Jecoute, Jello, Jolly, June, Just For
Fun, K!Prod, K2, Kainai, Kibosh Ansi, Knights, Kolor, Komplex,
Korozone, Kosmic Fifty Members Foundation, Lamergroup, Legend,
Less Music Productions, Level-D, Lime, Liquid, Loaf of Brain,
Logic, Lookain, Mac, Magic Dreams, Mandula, Matrix, Measure,
Medieval, Melcom, Merge, Metaphor, Milk, Mingus, Mist, Mnemonic,
Monotonik, Moonhunters, Moplayaz, Moppi, Mushroom Brothers,
Mistery, Mystic Bytes, Nah-kolor, Napalm, Nebula, Necromaniax,, Neutron, Nextempire, Nocturnal, Noice, Noise,
Noiseless, NoLogic, Nomad, Nostalgia, Nothing, Nuance, Numb,
NWO, Oblivion, Obscure, October Labs Rendering Corp, Odds,
Officium, Omnicolour, ONE, Ooze, Ooze Labs, Orange, Orange
Juice, Outlaw Triad, P, Pain, Paragon 5, Parenthesis, Park,
Peace and Love, Pengo, Peon, PFC, PhyMosys, Platoon, Planet,
Poets of Decay, Poison Mixers, Polar Dreams, POX, Prism!,
Procreation, Prometheus, Proxium, Psytech, Purge, Purple,
Pyorrhoea, Quad, Quasars, QVC, Radical Rhythms, Raiders Of the
Lost Empire, RamJam, Razor 1911, RBI, Rebound, Recreation,
Rectum Cauda, Red, real.fake, Replay, Rhyme, Riot, Ritual,
Royal, Surprise!Productions, Sanction, Satori,,
Scenial, Scienide, Scoopex, Scream!, Secular, Sensory Overload,
Septic, Shine, Shizophrenia, Shock Sector, Singularity, Smash
Designs, Solid, Sorrox, Save Our Souls, Socrates, Sodium Spray,
Spantobi, Spetsnaz, Spinning Kids, Standard, Stoned Brain
Records, Storm, Style, ST News, Sublogic, Suburban Creations,
Sukkaz, Sunflower, Sunlikamelo-D, Sunray, Superstition,
Supporters Club, Surround, Suspect, Suspect Records, Suspend,
Syndrome, T-Rex, tAAt, Tatanka, Teenage, The Dark Sun Coders,
The Digital Philosophers, Teklords, Tektonic, Tequila, Tesko,
The Black Lotus, The Coexistence, The Lost Boyz, The Lost
Patrol, The Obsessed Maniacs, The Neonray, Thekool, Theloop,
Theralite, The Solar Group, Theta, The Underground Periodical,
TMB, Tokyo Dawn Records, Tpolm, Trauma, Trebel, Trinity, Tristar
Red Sector Inc, TSCC, TUM, tWANA0!, Twilight, Two Headed
Squirrel, TZT, Unik, United Cracking Force, United Trackers,
UniVerse, Vacuum, Vantage, Vertigo, Vinilo, Vinyl, Virtual
Illusions, VisualE, Way-X, Wilby, Wild Bits, Winter In July,
Wipe, Wire Maniacs, Witchcraft, Woorlic, X-Seed, Xography,
Xpiriax, Xtatic, Yedi Records, Zero Or One, Chscene, Codefr,
Coders, Coders.Ger, Demofr, Demoscene, Ilcoders, Kotraum,
Pixel, Polishscene, Riot, Scene, Scene.CS, Scene.SE,
Special, Suomiscene, Swedescene, Szene.Ger, Thescene,
Trax, Traxfr all other sceners who deserve them!
We wish Psykax a speedy recovery.
::: A Royal Family Production Of 2000. :::
: Jj
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i2 :L
1 i
d7 .,
yS ii
j.7 11
y? 2
j 7 j
. ?
jS *
hugi the 19th g
the superior .?
Welcome to Hugi 19. Actually there isnt much to write in a .nfo
file of a diskmag, maybe except the words: Just read the mag! :
Seriously: Please read the file Useguide.txt before starting Hugi
by executing Hugi19.exe. It contains some valuable information on
controlling the Hugi interface, what to do in case of technical
problems and how to speed up the execution speed of Hugi if it
doesnt work fast enough on your PC. When you are in Hugi 19, you
can always read this User Guide by pressing the F1 key.
Bonus Source Code Pack
Due to its size, the bonus pack, containing supplemental source
codes to the programming-related articles in this Hugi issue, is
available separately at and the other servers
where Hugi is offered to download search for or
The Royal Family
Enormously impressed by Prince Edwards and Sophie Rhys-Joness
royal wedding, Adok decided that Hugi also needed a Royal Family!
So here it is. The Royal Family consists of the members of the
Hugi Core and some of the people who have been of major importance
for the success of Hugi. Only people who have been active for Hugi
and supported it with high-quality contributions for a long time
can become members of The Royal Family. The current members are:
King and Prophet Adok. Editor, Coder. Hugi Core.
Prince Chris Dragan. Coder, Editor. Hugi Core.
Mage Dario Phong. Editor, Coder. Hugi Core.
Prince Dendrite. Editor, Musician, Coder. Hugi Core.
Prince Ghandy. Editor. DKG, Faith, Gods, Hugi Core.
Prince Hellfire. Graphician, Coder. Haujobb.
Prince Jabberwocky. Editor. Lower Bavaria.
Prince Makke. Editor, Musician. Visuale.
Prince Mr. SEQ. Musician. NoLogic.
Prince Psykax. Editor, Coder.
Prince Salami. Web-host, Coder. Nothing.
Prince Slash. Editor, Ascii artist. Secular.
Prince Street Raider. Coder. DDT Entertainment.
Prince TAD. Editor, Graphician, Coder. Hugi Core.
Releases so far
1996/04 - Hugendubelexpress Intro Pack - intro
1996/05 - Hugendubelexpress 1 -
1996/08 - Hugendubelexpress 2 -
1996/11 - Hugendubelexpress 3 -
1997/01 - Hugendubelexpress 4 -
1997/03 - Hugi 5 -
1997/05 - Hugi 6 -
1997/07 - Hugi 7 -
1997/10 - Hugi 8 -
1997/10 - Adoks Way to Assembler - tutorial
1997/12 - Hugi 9 - The Next Generation -
1998/03 - mags.faq v1.0 - textfile
1998/03 - Adoks Way to C - tutorial
1998/04 - mags.faq v1.1 - textfile
1998/04 - Hugi 10 -
1998/06 - mags.faq v1.2 - textfile
1998/06 - mags.faq v1.3 - textfile
1998/06 - Hugi 11 - Obscene Scene Magascene - diskmag
1998/09 - Hugi 12 - The Huge Disk Mega Zine - diskmag
1998/12 - Hugi 13 - For Educational Purposes - diskmag
1999/02 - Hugi 14 - Hugi in Afghanistan - diskmag
1999/05 - Hugi 15 - Whenever You Are Alone - diskmag
1999/06 - Austrian Scene Meeting Photo Pack - photopack
1999/07 - Hugi 16 - The Royal Scene Magazine - diskmag
1999/08 - Hugi 16 - Russian Edition -
1999/08 - Hugi 17 - For International Affairs - diskmag
1999/08 - Hugi 17 Bonus Pack - sourcecodes
1999/09 - mags.faq v1.4 - textfile
1999/10 - Preview of Hugi 18 - diskmag
1999/12 - Hugi 18 - The Eminent - diskmag
1999/12 - Hugi 18 - Russian Edition -
2000/03 - Hugi.GER 1 - Back to the roots -
2000/04 - Hugi 19 - The Superior - diskmag
2000/04 - Hugi 19 Bonus Pack - sourcecodes
Moreover, we release a weekly newsletter called HugiNews.
We beam Greetings to
een, 303dim, Aardbei, Abaddon, Abdur, Abholpapi, Abyss, Access
Denied, Acid, Acid Rain, Acme, Adet, Aion, AgraVeDict, Alba,
Alpha Millennium, Altair, Amable, Amber, Amnesia, Anadune,
Anakata, Androids Dream, Anti-Social, Appendix, Arf!Studios,
Array, Ashrama, Asoziale Randgruppe Frankfurt, Aspirine,
Astroidea, Atomik, Autopsy, Beam, Beyond, Bionix, Blabla, Black
Maiden Germany, Black Maiden Poland, Blasphemy, BNC, Bomb!,
Boombassrecords, Bora, BPM, Brainchild, Byterapers, C-Lous,
Calodox, Calvados, Capital, Castrum Doloris, CBX, Chaos Energy
Group, Centolos, CFX, Chalice, Chemical Reaction, Chippendales,
Chroma Desire, Chrome Design, Church of AntiScene, CNCD,
Colorfast, Comic Pirates, CoPro, Crazy Pinheads, Cryogen,
Cryonics, Crystal, Crystal Tokyo Clan, Cubic Team, Cycla,
Damage, Damones, Dance, Darkage, Dark Eden, Dawn, Dawn3, Daze,
Dazed, DC5, De Brasserie, Deep Deep Trouble Entertainment,
Defacto 2, Defect, Deltaspace, Der harte Kern, Deranged, Desire,
Despite, Diffusion, Digital Nerds, Digitalis, Dilemma, Dinasty,
Dirty Minds, Dolphin, Domino, Doomsday, Dope 4 Nation, Dragon,
Drei, Dual Crew Shining, Eichel, El Afghano, Elitecrew,
EliteGroup, Endzeit, Eremation, Escape, Essence, Ethos9,
Evenflow, Evolve, Ex-Avalon, Ex-Excite, Ex-Kolor, Ex-Tc,
Ex-Pulse, Exceed, Excess, Exiles, Expulsion, Extensive, FS,
Fairlight, Faith, Fake That, Farts Music, Fatum, Ficken Crew,
Fissure, Five Musicians, Fizz, Flare, Fleur, Flicker, Flood,
Flow, Fobia Design, Food, Forsaken, FRC, Frequency, Fridge,
Fudge, Fun, Fungi, Funktion, Funny Makers Crew, Fuse, Fusecon,
Fuzzion, Gaia, Genetix, Geometrek, Gfxzone, GiRaFfE, Gods,
Goferz, GP, Greenroom, Grinders, Grotesque, Halcyon, Harald Kern
Fanclub, Hardcore Coderz, Haujobb, HeadcrasH, Hellcore, Hoax
Arts, Hypermatrix, Ice, IMAgE, Image!, Imago, Immortals,
Imphobia, Index, Inferiors, Infuse Project, Intense, Interror,
Ivory, Jamm R., Japotek, Jecoute, Jello, Jolly, June, Just For
Fun, K!Prod, K2, Kainai, Kibosh Ansi, Knights, Kolor, Komplex,
Korozone, Kosmic Fifty Members Foundation, Lamergroup, Legend,
Less Music Productions, Level-D, Lime, Liquid, Loaf of Brain,
Logic, Lookain, Mac, Magic Dreams, Mandula, Matrix, Measure,
Medieval, Melcom, Merge, Metaphor, Milk, Mingus, Mist, Mnemonic,
Monotonik, Moonhunters, Moplayaz, Moppi, Mushroom Brothers,
Mistery, Mystic Bytes, Nah-kolor, Napalm, Nebula, Necromaniax,, Neutron, Nextempire, Nocturnal, Noice, Noise,
Noiseless, NoLogic, Nomad, Nostalgia, Nothing, Nuance, Numb,
NWO, Oblivion, Obscure, October Labs Rendering Corp, Odds,
Officium, Omnicolour, ONE, Ooze, Ooze Labs, Orange, Orange
Juice, Outlaw Triad, P, Pain, Paragon 5, Parenthesis, Park,
Peace and Love, Pengo, Peon, PFC, PhyMosys, Platoon, Planet,
Poets of Decay, Poison Mixers, Polar Dreams, POX, Prism!,
Procreation, Prometheus, Proxium, Psytech, Purge, Purple,
Pyorrhoea, Quad, Quasars, QVC, Radical Rhythms, Raiders Of the
Lost Empire, RamJam, Razor 1911, RBI, Rebound, Recreation,
Rectum Cauda, Red, real.fake, Replay, Rhyme, Riot, Ritual,
Royal, Surprise!Productions, Sanction, Satori,,
Scenial, Scienide, Scoopex, Scream!, Secular, Sensory Overload,
Septic, Shine, Shizophrenia, Shock Sector, Singularity, Smash
Designs, Solid, Sorrox, Save Our Souls, Socrates, Sodium Spray,
Spantobi, Spetsnaz, Spinning Kids, Standard, Stoned Brain
Records, Storm, Style, ST News, Sublogic, Suburban Creations,
Sukkaz, Sunflower, Sunlikamelo-D, Sunray, Superstition,
Supporters Club, Surround, Suspect, Suspect Records, Suspend,
Syndrome, T-Rex, tAAt, Tatanka, Teenage, The Dark Sun Coders,
The Digital Philosophers, Teklords, Tektonic, Tequila, Tesko,
The Black Lotus, The Coexistence, The Lost Boyz, The Lost
Patrol, The Obsessed Maniacs, The Neonray, Thekool, Theloop,
Theralite, The Solar Group, Theta, The Underground Periodical,
TMB, Tokyo Dawn Records, Tpolm, Trauma, Trebel, Trinity, Tristar
Red Sector Inc, TSCC, TUM, tWANA0!, Twilight, Two Headed
Squirrel, TZT, Unik, United Cracking Force, United Trackers,
UniVerse, Vacuum, Vantage, Vertigo, Vinilo, Vinyl, Virtual
Illusions, VisualE, Way-X, Wilby, Wild Bits, Winter In July,
Wipe, Wire Maniacs, Witchcraft, Woorlic, X-Seed, Xography,
Xpiriax, Xtatic, Yedi Records, Zero Or One, Chscene, Codefr,
Coders, Coders.Ger, Demofr, Demoscene, Ilcoders, Kotraum,
Pixel, Polishscene, Riot, Scene, Scene.CS, Scene.SE,
Special, Suomiscene, Swedescene, Szene.Ger, Thescene,
Trax, Traxfr all other sceners who deserve them!
We wish Psykax a speedy recovery.
::: A Royal Family Production Of 2000. :::
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