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beam * aller guten dinge sind drei
ok, THIS version should run perfectly. really. we changed our engine.
system requirements
* pee cee 486/pentium/pII/pIII/amdK6-2
you dont need all of this processortypes. one is usually enough.
an emulator will do also, i think. i dont mean pocket calculators!
* some ram would be nice
* graphics card supporting something like 640x480 color mode.
this component is usually already IN your computer. you dont
need to buy it seperately. we recommand you to open your pc
to check if one is installed.
* sound card
you can use a seperate cd/cassette-player or sing youself.
if you decide to sing while reading beam3 we are not responsible
for any sound bugs.
if it still doesnt work on your machine, fuck you! its not my problem
and i dont care. go and buy a microwave instead of a computer.