
first/last release: 1994/08 - 1994/12
years active: 1994 (3)
(sub)packs released: 3
smallest/largest pack: sinanju0894/sin1094
lifetime artworks: 50
lifetime lines: 3 072

average # of lines per artwork: 98
average # of artworks per pack: 17
longest serving member(s): sinanju (1994/08-1994/12)
most productive member: sinanju (18)
extensions: SIN (29), DIZ (1), ASC (2), EXE (1), LST (1), NFO (1), PCX (2), JPG (2), TXT (1), ARJ (3), SDI (1), BBS (1), NOW (1)



Aug 1994 - sinanju0894

entries: 8
contributors: chan yelloman, sinanju


Dec 1994 - sin12-94

entries: 12
contributors: jashik, phreak, prism, rocketman, sinanju, strahd

memberlist infofile