opium 1993

first/last release: 1993/09 - 1993/12
years active: 1993 (3)
(sub)packs released: 3
smallest/largest pack: opium-03/opium-02
lifetime artworks: 37
lifetime lines: 1 719

average # of lines per artwork: 71
average # of artworks per pack: 12
longest serving member(s): king kao (1993/09-1993/12), bad slash (1993/09-1993/12)
most productive member: king kao (8)
extensions: NFO (3), OPM (19), NWS (1), TAG (1), ZIP (2), DIZ (1), EXE (4), APP (3), LST (2), ANS (1)


notable artists


notable art

most productive

king kao (8)
opium 1993 (6)
death (5)
bad slash (4)
zen (3)
psychic wolf (2)
griffin (2)
vicious (1)
godlike (1)
rad slash (1)


Sep 1993 - opium-01

entries: 8
contributors: bad slash, death, king kao, rad slash

memberlist infofile

Dec 1993 - opium-03

entries: 5
contributors: bad slash, king kao, zen
