(3) Flow Charts of FUN! stolen from cci and tabnet
Date: 6:45 pm Sun Feb 8, 1998 Number : 58 of 63
From: Felt-Pen Fingers! Base : tabnet: butterfly.net
Stat: Sent Origin : 08 Feb 98 16:15:29
Not too deep. Kissing in a less-than-platonic manner is enough to
get you drawn onto the flow chart. Cooties are very infectious. In fact,
they spread across time and space.
Let's think up a hypothetical situation.
Happydude, a tabber, is dating Sabreena The Teenage Witch, a langley
chatboarder. We would draw that like this:
Happydude ============== Sabreena The Teenage Witch
During their relationship, Happydude has a brief stint of drug-
induced "unfaithfulness" and makes out with Aurora Borealis, another tabber.
This would be drawn like this:
Happydude ============== Sabreena The Teenage Witch
Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis, in turn, has previously dated/slept with three
other tabbers.
Happydude ============== Sabreena The Teenage Witch
Sir Ganja ========= Aurora Borealis ========== King of Pudding
Don Quixote ========/
This implicates Sabreena in all the comings and goings of NOT ONLY
Happydude, to whom she has been completely faithful, but also of Aurora,
Sir Ganja, Don Quixote, and King of Pudding (a notorious womanizer).
Furthermore, before he started seeing Sabreena, Happydude had a brief
homosexual encounter with The Lavender Menace.
The Lavender Menace
Happydude ============== Sabreena The Teenage Witch
Sir Ganja ========= Aurora Borealis ========== King of Pudding
Don Quixote ========/
Eventually, Sabreena herself, jaded by the internal quarrels and
soap operas that taint her efnet family, seeks solace in the arms of the
mysterious and guarded individual known only as The Great Prophet of the
The Lavender Menace Great Prophet of the Qu'ran
! |
! |
! |
Happydude ============== Sabreena The Teenage Witch
Sir Ganja ========= Aurora Borealis ========== King of Pudding
Don Quixote ========/
Happydude responds by weeping on the expansive bosom of King of
Pudding's ex-lover, Malefica.
The Lavender Menace Great Prophet of the Qu'ran
! |
! |
! |
Happydude ============== Sabreena The Teenage Witch
\ \.
\ \___ Malefica ========\
\ \
Sir Ganja ========= Aurora Borealis ========== King of Pudding
Don Quixote ========/
As you can see, it only gets more complicated from hereon in.
Eventually, Skankin' Poultry, another tabber, sees it fit to point out
to all concerned just how riddled they are with cooties. She draws up a
very incomplete flowchart and is beaten about the head with those
inflatable Edvard Munch "Scream" toys by unpleased audience members who
do not enjoy seeing their sexual pasts reduced to enneagrams.
At a tension-filled meet where three different couples pair off and
make out in corners (much to the chagrin of The Lonely Hunter, who writes
sheer volumes of poetry on the event and posts them in the Cabbage Base),
Skankin' Poultry is poisoned by a particularily insidious batch of Blue.
Her hands, feet, and teeth are removed and incinerated, and her body
interred in one of the Metrotown planters. She dies regretting that she
never shared even a chaste kiss with the unrequited love of her life, Mr.
Poodle, who is currently attached to Voluminous Lola, another of King of
Pudding's conquests, etc. etc.
* Origin: "Hello, nice to meet you." "FUCK YOU!" (31:3373/0)
Date: 10:20 am Wed Feb 25, 1998 Number : 11 of 14
From: Sexy Base : (cci) Lit
Stat: Sent Origin : 24 Feb 98 16:16:30
A typical hacker's morning wake up.
__________ ___________ "What's a ___________________ _______
| Are there| No | Are there | hamper?" | Are there clothes | No | Buy |
|clothes in|-+-->|clothes in |-+--+--+--->| strewn in random |-+-->| more |
| dresser? | |the hamper?| |piles on the floor?| |clothes|
-+--+--+-- -+--+--+--- -+--+--+--+--+--+-- -+--+--
| Yes | Yes | Yes
| Take whatever |
| is on top |
-+--+--+--+--+- ________________________
| | |
V V |
-+--+--- No -+--+--+- -+--+--+---
| Is |-+--+--+-->| Perform | "Ohmigosh" | Spray |
| it | Not sure | smell |-+--+--+--+->| with |
| clean? |-+--+--+-->| test | | deodorant |
-+--+--- -+--+--+- -+--+--+---
| Yes | "Not bad"
______________ _________ _____________
|For underwear:| "Which ones are |Will they| "I may get |Place item on|
|Are there many| for my legs?" | be | arrested." | dirty pile; |
| holes? |-+--+--+--+--+--->| visible?|-+--+--+--+-->| start over |
-+--+--+--+--- -+--+--+- -+--+--+--+--
| No | No
_________ ____________ ___________________________________
| Is it | Yes | Do you | Yes |But would you rather have a tick on|
|wrinkled?|-+--->|really care?|-+--->| your eyeball than iron a shirt? |
-+--+--+- -+--+--+--+- -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---
| No | No | Yes
V _________
________ Kinda _______ | Seek the| _______
| Does |-+--+--+--+--+--->| Is it | No | advice | | What |
| it | "Does it what?" | dark |-+-->| of the |-+--+-->| is |
| match? |-+--+--+--+--+--->| out? | | opposite| | sex? |
-+--+--- -+--+-- | sex | -+--+--
| Yes | Yes -+--+--+-
| ______________________
| | |
V V |
-+--+--+-- -+--+--+--+--+--+- -+--+--+--
| Put on | | Go to keyboard | | Go to |
| clothes! |-+--+--+--+-->| for daily fix |-+--+--->| bathroom |
-+--+--+-- -+--+--+--+--+--+- -+--+--+--
* Origin: þ H.I.C. & D.B.S. þ Powered by OS/2 Warp v4.0 þ (66:3030/0)