Part 2: Legal aspects of software piracy

Software piracy can be defined as the unauthorized copying of software. Most retail programs are licensed for use at just one computer by one user at anytime only. By buying the software, you become the licensed user rather than the owner of the software. You can make backups of the software, but you can not give the backups to your friends or colleagues. It is illegal when you distribute any copies of the copyrighted software to anyone else. This violates Title 17, section 117 and section 501 of the United States Code. Illegal as it is currently, it is not necessarily bad for the society. If you can recall, it was also illegal for black people to ride on the bus and also illegal for the black people to attend public school. However, it is all changed now and we know how wrong we were to judge the people by the color of their skin. Will we possibly be making a mistake by saying software piracy is illegal?

Is software piracy bad?

One BIG example of piracy

How game industry is affected

Too expensive!!!


Comments, critiques?