DISCLAIMER: I, pB oner, am not responsible for what tou crazy mother fuckers will do out there. This file is for information purposes only!! Now lets do some real damage ;) Saltpetre Bombs And How To Make Them First you will need saltpetre. You can get it at any store that sells fertilizers for the plants. For anybody who've never seen saltpetre, it looks like salt, but i'm not sure what it tastes like (hey, i'm not THAT stupid). Then you will need some water (from the faucet will do) and an old newspaper. Okay, once you have the ingridients the rest is simple. Just dissolve saltpetre in a utencil (make sure you wash it after use) the take a piece of newspaper and dip into the water until it becomes soaking wet. Now take the wet newspaper and spread it on the floor or something to dry. When the newspaper is dry VIOLA!! you have your very own saltpetrefied newspaper!! When you set a little piece on fire it will not burn like regular paper, instead it will burn sort of like cigarete paper. Okay, now you will need an empty glass bottle which may be sealed tightly whith a cap. Stuff the saltpetrefied newspaper into the can, set it on fire, close the cap and throw it AWAY from yourself. REMEMBER: You don't have a lot of time!!! Two things may happen: One, the bottle will blow up in the air, and there will be A LOT of broken glass flying through the air, or it will fall to the ground and then blow up (the result is still the same). Me and my friends had a lot of fun throuwing them inside those small houses where people keep pigeons. You can do the same or use your own imagination. REMEMBER: There are lots of things to do instead of drinking and using drugs!! That was one of them. Okay,guys, hope you enjoyed this file. Have phun!! ;) pB oner Greetz go to: Pit Viper, Deathblow, Bitecrash, Spiralwarp, Northstar and all other members of YEAh.