I, Northstar, and Yeah accept no responsibility for anything in this file. You do everything at your own risk!! But tell me what happens;) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | | | KEWL Pranks! | | by:Northstar | | | | | | | | A MEMBER OF YEAH! | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everything that I will explain in this little text file I got from a business directory. It is a great place for cool ideas! I did all these things on an unsuspecting neighbor We will call him John Doe and will respect his anonimity. 1)Now I wanted to start with an easy prank. Something I'm sure a lotta U have already done;) I figured he was hungry:) So I called up all my local Pizza stores, chinese restaraurants, and others! I called a different store around every 5 minutes. Just to piss him off!!! I think he even paid for the first delivery of pizza, but I'm not sure about the rest. I guess he really was hungry...=) 2)Now is is winter and poor John Doe has no heat:( So he needed someone to repair it:) I decided he had a big house and needed a coupla repairmen. that way he'd really get pissed off 8) They all came a little after the other and were quite shocked to see that it was a prank. They were ready to beat him up! Too bad they didn't...... 3)Then he needed his entire house painted:) he has a really big house and needs a lotta people to paint it. So I called around 4 businesses. They all arived on time (luckily for me) They all came in their vans with paint supplies. again I think one made him give him a little money for their time! (Victory!<|)) 4)Then he was gonna sell his house! (Try this with a small little real estate agency. Large ones want to send people over and talk with you first) So I called a little real estate agency. They brought over a family and a huge sign that said 'House for sale'. I was laughing out loud when I saw that. the family was actually upset at my little prank |) 5)If he couldn't sell his house he would have to move...I ordered one of those U-Haul trucks for him..heheh..and also a limo to take him to the airport. When the U-haul arrived he went out of his house to meet them. He couldn't believe that they came for him, and just when he convinced them the limo arrived to pick him up..he finally told them it must've been a prank Real smart ain't he?!?!?! :) 6)He was gonna get married. Who would marry John Doe? His imaginary friend! Thats who! SO he needed a custom made suit. So I called up two tailors to come and make him a suit. They were surprised to find out he wasn't getting married!!! 8)Finally I decided to end it. This should only be done by people who can talk their way outta a situation!!!!! Ok..call from a nearby payphone. Call the hospital and say he had a massive heart attack. Act scared so if you make a mistake everything will be cOOl. When the ambulance arrived boy were they surprised to find him opening the door! ***************************YEAH IDEA************************************* I came up with this one, but could not do it. Call up poolmen to make him a pool. Pick a day when he will be gone for the whole day. Have them start digging so that when he comes home, he will see a small hole. Tell me what happens!!!!! ***************************YEAH IDEA************************************** In the end I sent him a note with a penny saying I'm sure that made up for all the damage I caused:) Written by: Northstar a proud member of YEAH