this image contains text
official website: http://www.sector7bbs.com/warlock irc on EFNet warlock
r 00 w a r l o c k
rlo 001 k mod - code - ansi - ascii
warlock 2001 warlock release 005 january, 2002
warlock 2001 warlock 20
arl 1 war 0
ar a 1
r 200 k 2001 info file
01 200
about news
members distros
notes file list
We love the BBS scene and we want to see it continue.
We want to support BBS sysops by drawing, modding,
making doors, addons, and utilities in order to
help provide users with the best possible experiences.
we are a small group that wants to promote and expand
the BBS scene. We welcome seuggestions, requests, and
All requests can be done via our web site, or you can
contact us individually through the info provided in
the member section of this nfo file.
Applicants: We are looking for talented coders,
artists both and and ascii, ans BBS modders.
Get in touch if youre interested.
hausmaus has joined up with us this month. Hes an OS/2 programer and
bbs modder.
We got our lit division started, grymmjack submitted a poem, and ne0
contributed two tech submissions, one is a call for a bbs revival.
it been another slow month for us, again because of the holidays, but,
be on the lookout for major rennovations of our web site and lots of
new stuff next month.
Happy new year everyone!
handle position contact
Gossamer Axe Art/Modding/Programming/Lit gsmraxe@pacbell.net
Grymmjack Art/Modding/Programming/Lit grymmjack@home.com
ne0akt Art/Modding/Programming/Lit ne0akt@technofreak.ph
Gryphon Art/Modding/Programming/Lit cyberiabbs@yahoo.com
knocturnal Art/Modding/Programming/Lit knocturnal@vesalis.org
pailhead Art/Modding/Programming/Lit pailhead@tampabay.rr.com
xzipolito Art/Modding/Programming/Lit arcworld@yahoo.com
psychoholic Art/Modding/Programming/Lit jayho0@lycos.com
g00r00 Art/Modding/Programming/Lit ccoyle@ptd.net
maskreet Art/Modding/Programming/Lit maskreet@hotmail.com
pin Art/Modding/Programming/Lit renic@sbcglobal.net
as-d Art/Modding/Programming/Lit serovsky@newmail.ru
hausmaus Art/Modding/Programming/Lit hausmaus@darktech.org
angelfuck Art/Modding/Programming/Lit ally@angelfuck.net
Distro Boards:
Distrosite Address Sysop
Metal Edge metaledge.darktech.org Gossamer Axe
Sector7 sector7bbs.com Grymmjack
Facility BBS coming soon Pailhead
The Lounge +31-344-634429 / +31-344-634470 Martigan
Blood Island port 50 xzipolito
Midnights Hour 618-529-3176 hausmaus
pulse coming soon g00r00
scratched reality coming soon Maskreet
Notes from the members:
* end of file *
r 00 w a r l o c k
rlo 001 k mod - code - ansi - ascii
warlock 2001 warlock release 005 january, 2002
warlock 2001 warlock 20
arl 1 war 0
ar a 1
r 200 k 2001 info file
01 200
about news
members distros
notes file list
We love the BBS scene and we want to see it continue.
We want to support BBS sysops by drawing, modding,
making doors, addons, and utilities in order to
help provide users with the best possible experiences.
we are a small group that wants to promote and expand
the BBS scene. We welcome seuggestions, requests, and
All requests can be done via our web site, or you can
contact us individually through the info provided in
the member section of this nfo file.
Applicants: We are looking for talented coders,
artists both and and ascii, ans BBS modders.
Get in touch if youre interested.
hausmaus has joined up with us this month. Hes an OS/2 programer and
bbs modder.
We got our lit division started, grymmjack submitted a poem, and ne0
contributed two tech submissions, one is a call for a bbs revival.
it been another slow month for us, again because of the holidays, but,
be on the lookout for major rennovations of our web site and lots of
new stuff next month.
Happy new year everyone!
handle position contact
Gossamer Axe Art/Modding/Programming/Lit gsmraxe@pacbell.net
Grymmjack Art/Modding/Programming/Lit grymmjack@home.com
ne0akt Art/Modding/Programming/Lit ne0akt@technofreak.ph
Gryphon Art/Modding/Programming/Lit cyberiabbs@yahoo.com
knocturnal Art/Modding/Programming/Lit knocturnal@vesalis.org
pailhead Art/Modding/Programming/Lit pailhead@tampabay.rr.com
xzipolito Art/Modding/Programming/Lit arcworld@yahoo.com
psychoholic Art/Modding/Programming/Lit jayho0@lycos.com
g00r00 Art/Modding/Programming/Lit ccoyle@ptd.net
maskreet Art/Modding/Programming/Lit maskreet@hotmail.com
pin Art/Modding/Programming/Lit renic@sbcglobal.net
as-d Art/Modding/Programming/Lit serovsky@newmail.ru
hausmaus Art/Modding/Programming/Lit hausmaus@darktech.org
angelfuck Art/Modding/Programming/Lit ally@angelfuck.net
Distro Boards:
Distrosite Address Sysop
Metal Edge metaledge.darktech.org Gossamer Axe
Sector7 sector7bbs.com Grymmjack
Facility BBS coming soon Pailhead
The Lounge +31-344-634429 / +31-344-634470 Martigan
Blood Island port 50 xzipolito
Midnights Hour 618-529-3176 hausmaus
pulse coming soon g00r00
scratched reality coming soon Maskreet
Notes from the members:
* end of file *
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