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: W A R L 0 C K :
: which one to use? c or pascal? :
by: ne0akt
ahh... the joys of programming. we have a whole plethora of languages we
can choose from, be it c, pascal, fortran, ratfor, algol, basic, php, perl
or anything else.
while its true that different programming languages are targeted for dif-
ferent tasks, people still find it worth their while to hail their beloved
one and damn every one else into flaming hell.
that holds especially true in the language war between c and pascal.
ever since i can remember, pascal afficionados have been consigned to hell
by c coders, calling them us quiche-eaters, and refusing to believe that
are are real men.
pascal coders have also found it worth their while to flame programmers in
c, calling them us macho-wannabes and k-rad turds to name a few.
but when you start to look at it from an objective point of view, which is
the real viable programming language to learn and use?
i dont have much under my belt. all of the programs ive released so far
are coded in either pascal or mpl, a bbs scripting language for mystic.
but that doesnt mean i dont know c. oh i know c -- i study c, dream c,
sin in c, heck i think of c every time i jack off. im also proficient in
c-like languages, like perl and php. fairly proficient, but no genius.
ive been using computers ever since i could remember. i am not like most
of you guys whove been in any scene for god-knows-how-long. but i am not
stupid, despite popular belief, and i learn fast.
my first try at programming is with basic isnt everyones?. few years
later, im down with pascal. then visual basic. then delphi. then c.
i dont want to write my whole history with computers in here and im sure
you didnt open up this text file to read that. so ill get down to busi-
info::the whole kit and caboodle
what do i know about c? personally, not really much. im not comfortable
with using it, either. well... maybe a bit comfortable, but not entirely
the knowledge i do have from it comes from my friend grem, whos an visio-
nary in his own right. i havent seen any of his code yet, aside from mpl
scripts, but his ideas and finished shit are just damning.
he comes from a linux/windows background, and has experience with program-
ming in both platforms. my knowledge comes from his posts. from personal
conversations. a general gist of his personality.
in one such post, he spoke of problems with linux, and not only about shit
in programming, but the general gist of the linux community. but i like
the part of the programming shit the most, so well focus there.
he related problems about programming gui style. how the opensource hip-
pies tend to mislead you about several important things, like, what their
definition of the word works is, or how much gtk+ sucks.
in my perl programming book, the author noted how porting c code even bet-
ween flavors of unix is an art, that not many people have the patience nor
skill to do full time. how its tedious, difficult and time consuming.
and all this from a programming language that has been thought of as -the-
portable programming language to use.
pascal and its programmers have been the target of ridicule and pestering
for years. decades even. but look at where it is right now.
pascal is a great alternative to c, and delphi as a viable alternative to
c++. but what about portability, you say? what about it?
pascal compilers, debuggers and whatnots for other platforms have been a-
vailable for almost forever. id dare say that for every platform c code
can be compiled on, theres a corresponding pascal compiler.
and for gui apps... kylix and delphi are an unbeatable pair. write your
code in windows, refrain from windows api bullshit, save, send to a linux
buddy, compile in kylix and youre done for the day.
unfortunately, thats not something you could say for something in c.
dont get me wrong -- i love pascal and i love c too. pascal is my food.
i may study c, dream c, sin in c and jack off to c, but pascal i count on
pascal for my daily nutrition.
c is a very terse language. i love its minimalism being fairly minima-
listic myself, i could certainly appreciate it. but i wouldnt use it in
my big projects. id use it for my fun shit, but you wont see me with c
in things i have to deliver semi-working in a week.
pascal certainly has its pitfalls -- what they are i dont know, but its
plain ridiculous to say a language doesnt have any. c has them too.
at the end of the day, its all about using the language youre comforta-
ble with, not with what eats grem likes quiches and i dont know what
they are, or if ones macho, but its with what one likes to use.
info::best viewed::terminal/ncbansi fonts
: W A R L 0 C K :
: which one to use? c or pascal? :
by: ne0akt
ahh... the joys of programming. we have a whole plethora of languages we
can choose from, be it c, pascal, fortran, ratfor, algol, basic, php, perl
or anything else.
while its true that different programming languages are targeted for dif-
ferent tasks, people still find it worth their while to hail their beloved
one and damn every one else into flaming hell.
that holds especially true in the language war between c and pascal.
ever since i can remember, pascal afficionados have been consigned to hell
by c coders, calling them us quiche-eaters, and refusing to believe that
are are real men.
pascal coders have also found it worth their while to flame programmers in
c, calling them us macho-wannabes and k-rad turds to name a few.
but when you start to look at it from an objective point of view, which is
the real viable programming language to learn and use?
i dont have much under my belt. all of the programs ive released so far
are coded in either pascal or mpl, a bbs scripting language for mystic.
but that doesnt mean i dont know c. oh i know c -- i study c, dream c,
sin in c, heck i think of c every time i jack off. im also proficient in
c-like languages, like perl and php. fairly proficient, but no genius.
ive been using computers ever since i could remember. i am not like most
of you guys whove been in any scene for god-knows-how-long. but i am not
stupid, despite popular belief, and i learn fast.
my first try at programming is with basic isnt everyones?. few years
later, im down with pascal. then visual basic. then delphi. then c.
i dont want to write my whole history with computers in here and im sure
you didnt open up this text file to read that. so ill get down to busi-
info::the whole kit and caboodle
what do i know about c? personally, not really much. im not comfortable
with using it, either. well... maybe a bit comfortable, but not entirely
the knowledge i do have from it comes from my friend grem, whos an visio-
nary in his own right. i havent seen any of his code yet, aside from mpl
scripts, but his ideas and finished shit are just damning.
he comes from a linux/windows background, and has experience with program-
ming in both platforms. my knowledge comes from his posts. from personal
conversations. a general gist of his personality.
in one such post, he spoke of problems with linux, and not only about shit
in programming, but the general gist of the linux community. but i like
the part of the programming shit the most, so well focus there.
he related problems about programming gui style. how the opensource hip-
pies tend to mislead you about several important things, like, what their
definition of the word works is, or how much gtk+ sucks.
in my perl programming book, the author noted how porting c code even bet-
ween flavors of unix is an art, that not many people have the patience nor
skill to do full time. how its tedious, difficult and time consuming.
and all this from a programming language that has been thought of as -the-
portable programming language to use.
pascal and its programmers have been the target of ridicule and pestering
for years. decades even. but look at where it is right now.
pascal is a great alternative to c, and delphi as a viable alternative to
c++. but what about portability, you say? what about it?
pascal compilers, debuggers and whatnots for other platforms have been a-
vailable for almost forever. id dare say that for every platform c code
can be compiled on, theres a corresponding pascal compiler.
and for gui apps... kylix and delphi are an unbeatable pair. write your
code in windows, refrain from windows api bullshit, save, send to a linux
buddy, compile in kylix and youre done for the day.
unfortunately, thats not something you could say for something in c.
dont get me wrong -- i love pascal and i love c too. pascal is my food.
i may study c, dream c, sin in c and jack off to c, but pascal i count on
pascal for my daily nutrition.
c is a very terse language. i love its minimalism being fairly minima-
listic myself, i could certainly appreciate it. but i wouldnt use it in
my big projects. id use it for my fun shit, but you wont see me with c
in things i have to deliver semi-working in a week.
pascal certainly has its pitfalls -- what they are i dont know, but its
plain ridiculous to say a language doesnt have any. c has them too.
at the end of the day, its all about using the language youre comforta-
ble with, not with what eats grem likes quiches and i dont know what
they are, or if ones macho, but its with what one likes to use.
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