---- WORLD Pud Template ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Title - THe GRaVy oF LaCiViouS Filename - Gravy.pud Author - PuRe MaSSaCRe Email Address - p_massacre@hotmail.com Short Description - You WaNT GRaVy???? PRoVe iT! :P Additional Credits to - THe LeTTeR "M" ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- General Info ---- Single Player -YiPP YiPP YiPP YiPP... uHHH HuH Cooperative -YiPP YiPP YiPP YiPP... uHHH HuH Deathmatch -YiPP YiPP YiPP YiPP... uHHH HuH Difficulty [1-10] -7 1/2 New Sounds -Nope.. Construction Time -2 hours.. ---- Long Description ---- You BaTTLe eNeMyS aLoNG THe "PLuS SiGN oF SePeRaTiSM".. GRaND PRiZe: YouR LiFe THe GRaVy oF LaCiViouS ---- Do's and Don'ts ---- Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels! Do it and DIE! ---------------------------------------------------------------- You MAY distribute this PUD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Places Where This PUD Is Found ---- BBS Names and Numbers - TaR.. (7o9) 579-1925 FTP Sites - NuN WEB Sites - WWW.Fortunecity.com\skyscraper\smiley\62\info.html ----------------------------------------------------------------