goodbye #ascii --------------- well i will make this short, everyone knows people i have never done anything to and people who were my friends supposly, started making fun out of me, now i won't state the names of the big forces who are behind this (serial2n, cmang, psylock and blackjack), now i just want to say to you guys.... BURN IN HELL, DIE AND I WILL DANCE ON YOUR GRAVES, YOU'RE DIRT AND YOU ALL SHOULD DIE!!! seems a little extreme? .. not to me its not, lets see, we have psylock claiming i am fat... and the others laughing at my english. its just too hard to be a member of #ascii since 90% are against me, and for no reason... it makes me sad, not because it annoys me and disturbs me, but because i knew so little about the people in #ascii. i wont take anymore flaming and since my ops in the channel are worthless in most cases against attackers and nobody is taking action, then i will part #ascii for unlimited period of time until (if) matters will be resolved... its not a goodbye from the scene as many people hoped its a goodbye from #ascii, until (again if) people will cleanup their act (i doubt it will ever happen), now fags laugh at this poorly written text or on whatever, from now on i can be reached by email ( or or by phone (972)-(yeh)-(right). Volatile.