view with some sort of amiga font or better yet with an amiga machine recommended screen mode - 80x50 .. || .__________..____________________ __ | \||/ . | || __ _ | ___. | ___|| (_/// ___ | ____ _) |_ /\__ __/\\_ \ _/\____ _/ _//\___ |/ /____ .\ // //.\\ / /.\\ (.\\ |( (.\\ _// (. | _// | / | | | \ | vol|___\_______| \____|_______|__________|____\_ | <- -------- . -|_____\-.---------------------.----/____|-- -> | || | | || | | _||_ | __ _________\||/___________________| ·· || ·· and.... __ _ . ________________ _ /_// \_/_ _ __ _/ _._ __ \_ //_ ....... _ x / _ __//_/ \ |// /_/ _/ //_/\ ::::: :. \__/\//\ __ _/__7/ __________________ \_/ :.::: :::. _/\/\_ \_/ \_______ _/\__ _ :X:::. . _\/\/_ _/ :....' .' `. \\// v /________\ :: '. .' .' - \/ - o . .' .' \/ l `. .'. .' a `' `.' t __ i _/_/_ l _ \| \. e \_. | |__| presents a small collection entitled /\_______________ .____________ ./ //| (_. | /|| | F| A T || T | Y | || | | || | __|/\ ______ .__/\|| .__/\ | __. ____ _/ /_ / _ (__| __/||_ _| __/____ _/ |/ (. .\\ _\\\ _ \_ \ \_ \ (.\\ _/ | | \_____/ |___\ |___\ |___\__ | <-- ----|______/----\_____|----\____|----\____|-----/____|---- --> . .. | vol| __/\ ____||_ __. ____| | _/ ./____ _/ ._ (_._/ |/ (. |.\\ |_ (.\\ |/ |\\ _/ | ||_____/ |____/ |___\__ | <- ----\_____|---\______|-----/____|--> | .. . | || | | B O| Y | | || | | | | i'm not fat i'm just overweighted true i ripped acidjack in my old days . . | i just have big bones!| | .. | |_ || _| //________________||____________\ / with no further words... let the ascii begin... for: helicon entitled: aeon music ______ __/\ ______ /\__ _/ _ (_._/ _/___ _/ ._ (_.____\_ \_ .\\ _ |\\ _) (_.\\ |/ |) |/ //. |____/ |____ |____/ |____/ | <-- - --\_____|----\_____|---\_____|---\______|-- - --> __. /\_ __/\ _/\ \ __/\ _/ |/ (._/ /____ _/ _/____ / _/ __/_____ .\\ \/ |\\ /| (.\\___ (. / \\\ \( (. |_____/ |_____/ |____/ |/ \____ | <-- - --\____|----\_____|---\_____| \---\_____|-- - --> vol/_______\ for: dezibel entitled: dezibel ___ ___ __ _______..______.._ __________________ __ ___ ___ /.) ||\\ ||// (.\ | || || | | || ·| | _ ______/\ ___/\ |/\___ |\ __/\ ___/\| _/\ \\\_ \ _/ _/___ __|\_ \_||\ _/ _/____ _/ _/|__ _/ /______ / \\\ _) (.) _____//./ \\\ \_ (.\\ _) (.\\ \_ (. / /____\ | \ ___| \____/ |____\ |_____/ | - /________/ ---\______|______/--/ \--\_____|---\______|----\______| . || /_______\ . | || .. | | || || | | || || _| |_ || _|| _ \| _//______||_____\\|//_\ ______________\_ __ ___ __\ \/vol /_____ __ for: unique arts entitled: unique . ._ /\____...____/\ _. . | :// ||| \\: | | | ||| | | <-:-- --- -- -|-|- -- --- --:-> | | ||| | | ____ ____|_ _||| ____ | | ____ ____ ._/ /_____ _/\\_ (_._/\\/___ _/ /_|__._/ /_____ _/ _/_____ _|\\ /| (.\\ )/ |\\ \/ (.\\ /| |\\ /| (.\\ _)/ (._ | \| | / | | \| | \| | \/ | vol\___________|__/_______|________|_____\ \___________|___________| | . ||| |____| | | ||| . <-:-- --- -- -|-|- -- --- --:-> | |_ /\____|||____/\ _| | | :///\ ··· /\\\: | · · ¯ ¯ · · for: basic crew entitled : basic _ _ _._//__ ___________\\_._ \|/ \\ \\|/ | \\ | | \\ ·| | \\ \ __/\ |______ //__/\ / __/\ _/ _/____ __/ _ (_._/ _/____. / \ _/ __/____ .\\ \_ (.\\ _ |\\____ |/ \\\ \|_ (. |_____/ |_____/ |_____/ | \____/ | \____\_____|__._\_____|_ __\_____| \__\_____|vol \_____/ | \_____/\\ \_____/_______\ \_____/ | \\ . | // | | // | | _ // _ | |_// \\ \\_| \//______\\________\\/ the end... loves goes to anyone who love me back greets goes to all of my friends, you know who you are hates goes to : cmang - i thought you're my friend i guess i was wrong.... jeff - you're a racist and a bad person i wish you the worst sean - you're just a follower dude, but you should quit it you don't even have the skills. shrimp - wimp is more like it for you, you suck but your just a small kid so all forgotton boye psylock - you're just a pig, you look like one also but thats not the reason i despise you, you're just a wennebie you allways were you allways will... skade - you're a mad hacker in the scene but a wimp in the real world, better not meet you fag, for your own good. mjay - hehe, i dislike you in each and every way possible, your a fag, never liked you and never will. thats it for me peace out and enjoy the pack... vol a thug @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .____________. .___________.| | .___________.| |/ | | |/ || | _|/\ _||__ __/\ || _/\ ___ | _/ /_ __._/\\_ \ _/ __/_||._/ _// (. | .\\ _// |\\ |/ /.\\ \| |\\ \_ | | |____ | | \____|_____ |____/ | | .\_____|_____\ \___| \_____|_| | .| ||___________\| |_ ||___________| |/__________| @END_FILE_ID.DIZ