TRiLoXy /Rt DiViSioN NeWS
iSSue1 07/01/1995
Here it last...a bit later than normally but
who cares...we had some problems this I had
to do some more work than normally keep a good balance
between quality and quantity, but, however, I think
we managed to compose a pritty good pack.
Now some more about the problems.
a MeMBer The Grim Reaper TGR was proven to be a
ripper tnx fuel: and was therefor kicked out of
triloxy and fuel. especially because he ripped from
one of the worlds leading groups: aCiD
Hereby I want to apologize me to acid, luckyly
only one ansi was released so the harm is not that
big BUT the harm is done! so Fuck TGR! RiPPiNG is
the lamest thing to do even i dont do it:
Then also Saturn 6 was kicked out, because he is
TGR! TGR uSeD THiS HaNDLe Cauz iN THe eaRLy DayS
He iNVeNTeD SaTuRN 6 So THaT PeoPLe ReQueSTeD aNSis
aGain, aT LeaST THaT WHaT He SaiS. I THiNK HiS IQ
iS LoWeR THaN THe IQ oF a FiSH. I DRaWeD LouSy To
a WHiLe aGo...buT I NeVeR CHaNGeD My HaNDLe, PRooVes
aGaiN THaT HeS a LaMeR.
This month a new member joined, well he wanted to
join, but he didnt really liked to stay in a group
and release packs frequently, so he didnt join after
all. its a real pitty caus Night Angel NA is a
great artist. But im cant and I wont force him
although I begged him to stay. But he decides
what he does.
another problem is that i cant reach Zteph the
alcoholic very well, in fact i havent heard of him
since the second pack. but i hope that problem will
be solved if the networks finished.
problems again. exams, those fucking things who can
destroy your life in two weeks. my parents also
forced me not to touch my compi...but I did, when
they were gone i tried to make some ansis, call
around and then you see that some guys dont even
care about a ansi artist having exams..they just
keep on requesting, and here i am, with a pile
of requests.
i dont mean to attack anyone by any means, but
if you requested an ansi in this period, youll
probably have to wait some time, not my fault.
more problems! I had some sort a crisis after
all the problems mentioned before. I even thought
of leaving TLY, maybe it would be better for my
ansi carreer to join another group, but I camet
o the
conclusion that Ill stay in the group of which im
a co-founder i think i feel responsable G,
and where most of my scene-friends are.
now some problems for you :p. Ive enhanced the
board of speed freak now named Sacred Grounds
totally, the result is in this pack. the problem is
that all who have requested an ansi will have to
wait a bit but ive almost finished al the requests.
some info bout the board. because im co it
will be dedicated totally to art,hpav and e-mags
and some group support. just give it a call
the number is +32 11 273000.
now some really good news! its possible that in the
next pack ansis from some members of bdp will be
included, but we still have to settle a lot. in fact
everything :...I only now that Coeffy would be glad
to work with me, but i couldnt reach him, so well
c next month!
in the future Ill try to release a pack every first of
a month, if there are new members that cant be much
of a problem.
but everything has gone fine after all and the
pack is
here...and more and more people seem to like my ansis.
so...everything is fine...just lay back and enjoy the
Count Drakula
ansi coordinator