Bio Hazard by Gigantor
Bio Hazard by Gigantor
,,i. ,ss, gigantor.tekl0rdz.ascii s.
.y O,ySs---------------------------- .si
,yS,y .,asiwell, jp, its not as good,sOS
SS .as the ansi you made me... but C
S : its still pretty good.. : if
s. you want one, req one.. you can ss
S Sis.find me... trust me.. ,ySSs..
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Well i mean, its not the greatest ascii pic ive ever seen. Ill admit that.
But this is only my second.. logos are still my thing. And besides, it was a
trade. I was only really sposed to do a logo, but oh well, went over board.
If you want one, call my board. 540-869-2695 and req one. Ill do it. Because
no one ever requests anything from me..
btw, 1oo oweginowl.