massive (e/w)
hmm..I guess we can say that syn001 was a success, reached the top on all d/l lists at artpacks.acid.org..mad elite in other words, but, it was more then most downloads aswell, it got people think, it was a change, something different. and that's what art is for, isn't it? to make people think, react! also, there was a mysterious thing that happened with the first pack, the pic, ex inferis, got all screwed up, and noone knows what, how and who made it so...but, we've included the REAL version of the pic in this pack, heh, just so we've got it right. a new info interface has been included aswell. this one is a bit bigger in filesize then the other, but it rox! dont it? :P
massive (e/w)
no news other then that synopsis is out with their first pack called modulate, and if you read this, you have it ! synopsis has finaly becomed more then just a rumor, a hype, now it's for real, and it's out there, out of control, rooling the artscene insanly! (don't worry kids, its just massive. ill teach him english someday, but so far all he's learned is leet, and unleet.
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