::|| SURGE CULTURE ||:: - we know we're dorks, but here's the proof today our teacher asked us questions on god and i told her i didn't believe in god, so we got in this big agrument and it ended in my calling her a dumb christian who is controlled by a book and i got suspended ooohooh fuck me shitshitshit fuck yeah ohhhhh damn! don't wanna know x!x kapheine was kicked by relaye (i forgot. you were a fuckhead last night) <^imani^> opps..I'l try to get my third clone <^imani^> what's the adres on irc.gd.gu.??? moron.. they'll kill you for doing that [15 secondslater... ] *** ^imani^ has quit IRC (agony >> K-Lined) it's not that hard to think folks [17:37] Tarmac has been using a strong language and he isnt going to be opped till he stops [17:38] Dont cuss. And keep your language clean even if you are perverted [14:52] gz, get a fucking life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 [14:52] god you assholes there are a lotta ops there [14:52] *** You were kicked from #teenphun by blood (ai!) [ fuck all of u idiots ](ai!) YES@@!! [ blood ]_____________________ _ | addie: (~xxx@ACCS-AS23-DP10.NWRK.grid.net) | name: [x[acid!irc[x] blood on @#100%preteenfuckpics @#@ @#teenphun @#nintendo @#oi blood using irc.voicenet.com Voicenet EFNet Server [19:40] Trying 192.392.443.291 ... [19:40] Connected to 192.394.224.102 [19:40] Escape character is '^]'. [19:40] Linux 2.0.30 ([censored]) (tty0) [19:40] Login: root [19:40] Password: [19:40] [censored]:~#> wha? [19:41] look at me im elite now =) [19:41] i hax0red root heh you hax0red radman? [19:41] check it expolit it exploit it [19:41] [censored]:~#> rm -r /etc [19:41] haha [19:41] that should piss him off x!x[ Tue Apr 29 7:42pm lag(3) ]x!x [19:42] i gotta eat heh put up "SURGE RPRESENTS!!" as the prompt [19:42] * relaye_ is idle, ( f0odZ! ) %log[on] %page[off]% [19:42] after i eat =) [19:42] i gotta change hostname for that [19:42] [censored]:~#> hostname SURGE REPRESENTS!! w00pa [19:43] SURGE REPRESENTS.[censored].org:~#> ls (entry modified from original) SAUCE00#surge moronics Multiple Members Surge 1997505Ÿ