[13:43] want to read how an italian is trying to insult me in english ? [13:43] 19.42.29 panzerwer: hey you cock shut up and listent to me motha you com and drink hard like my dick [13:44] he talks like an arab [17:48] n1ghtrain: whatever, wife beater! * Retrieving #remorse modes... [17:48] * RaD_Man hands n1ghtrain his tank-top. [17:48] man [17:48] You should wear this. [17:48] you guys dont even know [17:49] hahaha [17:49] she jumped on my motherboard and fucked up a radoen9700pro [17:49] and about 300 gigs of drives [17:49] hahahah [17:49] oh then shit [17:49] I take that back. [17:49] QUOTABLE [17:49] You had EVERY GOD DAMN RIGHT. [17:49] then i pushed here [17:49] her [17:49] hahahaha [00:24] warez are bad....don't download them [00:24] go buy it! [00:24] :| [00:24] yea, support the software companies [00:24] stop speaking in tongues [21:31] my girlfriend of 2 years dumped me, so you should see a return of some angsty mid-90s tribal ascii [21:31] haha [21:31] awesome [21:31] whatever it takes! [21:31] is it going to have "dark poetry" accompanying it? [21:32] * galvatro_ has joined #maltliquor [21:32] * flyby sets mode: +o-b galvatro_ 7bqry1a!kutw2.xte@sBuXU0ccJgS1yeUfc/nspUB0 [21:32] i'll throw on some nine inch nails and write some black on black poetry in the skulls eyeball [18:09] hmm a trojan'ed box [18:10] lol [18:10] sounds like the name of a geek porno [20:38] i cant believe im sitting on a friday night with money in my pocket listening to the arts and looking at personals [23:38] Cornfed Hugecock is my porn name [15:32] any1 here good at doing normal art like on photoshop or something [15:32] no [15:32] we just like to take drugs and stare [15:32] sorry [15:32] kewl can i join in lol [15:33] no [15:33] we work for the government