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Well here it is - the long awaited R
emorse Expedition 36! :
Fittingly enough, this 36th chamber c
omes at time of change, as
the original Wu-Trank swordsman, and
Remorse co-founder, Whodini
hands the maintanence of the legendar
y Remorse Ascii Temple over
to his talented students Ack, Spinsan
e and Wind Rider. :
Having endured the hardships of the
past couple years, :
and maintaining their loyalty to the
Wu-Trank sword and staff :
whether at home or abroad, the new se
nior staff members come with
varied styles and lightning fast fin
gers. :
But what is the Wu without the Warri
ors? The veteran masters:
of the underscores and backslashes ha
ve awaited this new era with
much anticipation. Unquestionably, ea
ch is a master at their own
style, and the forces at work within
this pack are tremendous.
: ..GONG SOUND ......
: We welcome into the t
emple for this release 4 new membe
: all masters of their a
rt, and all worthy to wear the sig
: Remorse battle gear in
to upcoming battles.
: c4nnibus, drax, sinis
ter 6000 and triplogic
: And speaking of battl
ing, heres a view into the varied
: styles that are compon
ents into the Remorse Style of sil
: slaughter...
: Alphabetically, the
following monks have display incre
: finesse and tenacity,
eagerly and easily destorying the
: as they blaze through
the millenium, and deliver low res
: kung fu fighting to th
e masses.
: Ack has come with a f
istful of razor sharp future tech.
: Updating his style of
the past, the fusion of his signat
ure style
: and the promises of th
e extended ascii palette is comple
te. Sit
: back and begin phearin
: Axel Barebones, the e
lusive shadow master of newschool
: and hirez graphics, ha
s honed his oldschool style to a f
ine point.
. Three dimensional excu
rsions into ascii ambience, this e
:: and consistant Remorse
ninja seems at his best when pione
:: . Brane, a
solid force of pounding Amiga infl
uenced oldschool,
:. pads silently behind a
ll mimics, and garrotes them with
his tried
.: and true piano wired st
yles. A vital and consistent assas
sin, ready
.: and willing to kill for
the art of noiselessness.
:: c4nnibus, who along
with Trank Ninja Reptile helped br
: the early limitations
of oldschool styled ascii art, ret
urns after
: his sojourn into the b
arren north. He brings back with h
im new
: styles learned listeni
ng to trees... and smoking them. W
: back c4nnospam.
: Drax, blindingly erot
ic hey, he gets to be the erotic
: ninja, dont ask why
:, yet deviously deadly. His twin
: stance has long been f
eared by all his opponents. His as
ciis have
: been known to decapita
te one cowering opponent, and muti
: another lurking lamer
s genitals... all in one fluid str
: Erupt, master of the
hip hop influenced battling dance,
: sprays opponents with
his intricate pieces first, then p
op locks
: them into a crippled s
ubmission. His styles have been ph
eared for
: years, and his status
as expert ascii artist has grown t
o un-
: precedented proportion
: Mydknight, one of the
most talented monks of all, Myds
: quirky style of presen
tation leaves his foes unwilling t
o accept
: his dominance. But don
t blink twice, before you open yo
ur eyes
: the second time, Myds
sickle bladed ascii has cleaved y
: stomach open. Much phe
ared, and more respected by those
who know...
: Poskgubbe, illustriou
s oil tycoon by day, quick witted
: and talented ascii nin
ja by night, represents his signat
ure old
: school style for the m
asses in this 36th chamber. Provid
ing much
: of the funding for the
Remorse Ascii Temple, Poskgubbe i
s the
: pioneering master of t
he backslash, a move so deadly it
was banned
: from Ascii Competition
s. In response, he developed the e
: deadlier signature mov
e the underscore, which has ende
d promising
: careers of artists aro
und the world for more than half a
: Polymorph, another of
Remorses Masters Of Many Styles
: sub clan, this ascii p
rophet/teacher has been curving ou
.: beautifully, and origin
ally, shaped pieces for years. Eff
:: experimenting with bot
h o/s and n/s, Poly is feared more
:: enemies for the tranc
e like state he puts his opponents
in, then
..:: for his sheer brutalit
y. And so the ying is the yang...
: Talo, oldschool merca
nary turned Remorse Clan member
: after his roving band
of soldiers was slaughtered by Gei
jin footmen,
: Talo has since proven
to be a defining and steady member
of the
: remorse squadrans muc
h respected oldschool division. Qu
ick on his
: feet, and uncomprimisi
ng with is pike-awl/shield combos,
Talo has
: defeated *.* his compe
tition with ease.
: Pesho, who is one of
remorses newer acolytes, has
: grown into a productiv
e and menacing, yet compassionate,
: Fighting for what is r
ight, Pesho is nevertheless willin
g to serve
: out his own brand of W
u justice freely, and in his lates
t Lesson,
: R-herman.txt, he devas
tated the scene with his prolific
: and mature styles.
: Tzeentch, part man, m
ostly machine, is a different kind
: of soldier. Not at all
a monk or ninja, Tzeentch handles
: heirloom Samurai Slash
Sword with a level of expertise t
hat has
: made him one of the mo
st feared Samurais on the scene.
: opponents open with cl
ean, yet powerful blows, Tzeentch
s ascii
: tactics cause the dog
like foot soldiers of other clans
to quake
: in fear.
: Rippa, another Samura
i guardian at the Remorse Ascii Te
: can be seen most often
standing proudly and stoicly at t
he front
: gates, often serving a
s the only line of defense the tem
ple needs
: in times of war. Blood
red armor, elaborate decorative h
elmet, and
:.. deadly Katana in hand,
he is stood over more fallen enem
ies than
:. their are artists in t
he scene today.
: . Sinister
6000, master of the nunchukas and
the double sai
:. techniques, Sinister 6
000 also returns to the temple thi
s pack
.: after travelling to Tib
et to banish a foe so unspeakably
evil and
: supernatural, it would
make the movie Poltergeist seem t
: Recieving only minor w
ounds, s6k has been accepted into
the clan
: to help our monks trai
n for the coming battles with the
Mimic Clan.
: Spinsane, is the temp
les alchemist and master of auger
: Speaking on many occas
ions in tounges to the spirits of
the dead
: he serves as supernatu
ral liason with the temple, as wel
l as a
: formidable backbone an
d support in times of need. Forsak
ing his
: long used butterfly kn
ives in this exhibition in leiu of
a chainsaw,
: Spinsy is eager to fea
st on the blood of his fallen enem
ies, and
: wear their hearts at s
: Triplogic, is an stra
nge creature indeed. Born in a
:... parallel dimension whe
re their exist 5 primary colors, T
: : was raised b
y his mother Le Bleu Girl, on a
diet of colorfull
.:..: asciis and nfo files fo
r desert. As was told, and shall b
e told,
:: and shall always be, he
was brought to our 3 dimensional
:: in a freak supernova ex
plosion in his homeworld, which re
nded time
::.. and space. Now arriving
dazed at the Remorse Ascii Temple
, he has
: : devoted his
life to the Wu, and trying to repr
esent through ascii
: : the extra co
lors he was raised seeing every da
: The Upright Man, hagg
ard and gaunt, Tum moves with a
: delibarate slowness th
at is controlled and devastatingly
: Relying on close conta
ct attacks, Tum can easily disable
: with nerve damaging pi
nches, punches and kicks. A somewh
at solitary
: and comtemplative memb
er of Remorse, Tum has been a guid
ing light
: for the Clan through p
ast years and continues to fight a
mong the
: best of the scene.
: And lastly Whodini, t
he master of the chessbox. Yin to
: Necromancers Yang. Bl
ack to White. Order to Chaos. Vict
ory to
: Defeat. Stepping back
and allowing his students to becom
e the
: teachers, Whodini has
not ended his career, but made the
next step
: on his long journey to
self mastery, and full realizatio
n of all
: things Wu.
: And so the first book
of Wu has been completed. The 2nd
: book remains unstarted,
and we journey together into the
void of
: null sets and twirling
crystaline ascii structures. Join
the Wu,
: or be destoryed and be
ing your journey in the after life
. The
: choice is yours...
........... m E
asters of
t h e
necromancer -
whodini - who
nce a n
d Schooling
ack/arrogance - pat
- spinsane@j
windrider -
ACiD C l
a n
radman - radman@acid.
Assassins, Samurai
a n
d Monks
arlequin -
axb - axb
badspirit -
baltazar -
brane - brane@home.se
c4nnibus -
drax -
erupt - e
gwydian -
mjlnir - mjolnir@hom
mydknight -
palmore -
pesho -
polymorph -
poskgubbe -
sinister 6000 -
subsonic -
triplogic -
tzeentch -
tum -
zerohour -
Spiritual Forefath
cypher hex
enigmatic, fahrenheit, hex corru
pt, hiro protagonist
killahertz, megahertz, the messiah,
miasma, mr kite, necronite
ogre, omicron, terminator 2,
grey inactive cyan act
ive this pack yellow new
:.......... ..... WWW.REMOR
SE.ORG ...............::