This is new free stuff. Enjoy, requests welcome.
Please leave the inits in them, blah, blah, blah...You know the rest of the
story. If ya like these, download RIOT0697.ZIP for a bunch of other ones.
:....sS,.s:::.Ss::::::.,s. .,ss.sS,.s.::..s,...,..:::s.:::::.s...:::::...,....::.s...s......::..,,.::......::..:...s....,s.....::.Ss,..::.....::::..:...:,,s,,
Info/text/Boogers go here
ss s ss !pm
.- s s s s s
BBS Name?
c ommands c ommands c ommands
c ommands c ommands c ommands
c ommands c ommands c ommands
c ommands c ommands c ommands
c ommands c ommands c ommands
c ommands c ommands c ommands
.s ,s.sdsas,.s !pm,, .ssas, .sdsas, ,.s
, .s.s , .s, .s .s .s,s sas, , .sas,
, sss sas sss,
.sas . . sss sas s
Put yer stats in here
Duh, whats an upload Mr./Mrs/Ms. Sysop? I dunno what that is duh...
--Thought for the Day--
Isnt it funny, that whether or not a man is married, hes still Mr.
but if a woman is single shes Ms. when shes married shes Mrs. and if
shes divorced, its pronouced Mizz...Ah well, another one of lifes mysteries.
-- End of Thought for the Day--
.BBS: Blacklist
:Node:: 1 :
:Time :
Left: 60
x : command x : command
x command x command
x command x command
x command : x command :
. x command . x command
x command x command
x command x command
x : command x : command
. pm
Pretzel Boy!
I believe this is a stat screen. Started to doodle, came out as an S
I have band practice in like 20minutes...So maybe Ill finish it maybe
I wont. Anyways its free...Leave the inits in them...
Stat Stuff
BBS Name
Name UN
pm Uploads UK
Downloads DK
ACS Level
Rock and Roll is Back for the Attack!!!!!!!