Ascii Colly by Tek
Ascii Colly by Tek
X tk tm **
r S c , a :
real crazy artists productions
in stereo where available
heres my first cluster. you notice a flashing red sign that reads applause
this cluster consists of three 3 ascii logos. no, this isnt all that i rele-
ased this month, but it sure is most of it :
cyanide c logo
,acca,,a a,,acca,,acca,,a,,acca,,acca,
, b , , b , , ,b, ,b, , b, , b
b b b s s b s b, ,s
, , ,ac b
, bs ,, , , , , b
,s,n, sss,, ,,,,,,,s,n,
twilight zone c logo
S S, Stk
S S S Stk S, S
sc ,,,, ,
S Stk Stk
+1 864 429 5343
eternal darkness c logo
@@@@@@ : : : :, @@@@@
@@@@ : :: : : @@@@@@
ss,@@ : :: : @@@@@
,Sss +* @@@
@@, aaa ,ss
@!@@@s : ,aa, : : s
@@@@@@ :. . :. ,.: s,@
@@@@@@ : . : : a@@@@@
:: the eternal darkness ::
** RCA, acnym Real Crazy Artists is not affiliated with RCA Electronics
Corporation of America and/or Japan. Real Crazy Artists has been copy-
righted under code 51. Any duplications without prior written consent to
the author is strictly prohibited by law.