Dr. Knowledgeable by Crimethink
Dr. Knowledgeable by Crimethink
It is time for another...
DK:Hello everybody! It is that time of the month again...
Call Screener:Sick man!
DK:Shut the fuck up you little shit! Im taking my first caller!
Call Screener:Okay.
DK:Hello...um... Mindcrime, Im listening.
MC:Yeah, I just wanted to call to see what you think about Acidic.
DK:Acidic... I hate the shit that runs it because he is just a Lord Jazz
wanna be.
MC:I run Acidic! Shutup!
DK:You aint nuttin but an Acid wanna be!
DK:Next caller.
AY:Hello, I have a problem so I am keeping my name hidden, Doc K.
DK:What did you just call me? Did you call me Doc K?
AY:Yeah, sorr....... CLICK!!!!
DK:Next caller... Another anonymous caller.
AY2:Uhh, I have a problem with quiting the art scene.
AY2:Yeah, I used to be in RCA, but I was to good and everyone else was
slowing me up and I quit cuz youngsters was giving me shit.
DK:And you want advice?
AY2:Yes, I could use some advice.
DK:In a minute, but I need to know if you have any other problems first.
AY2:Well, I do have a sexual obsession with Lord Nemesis.
DK:Is this Magnus Dracul? CLICK!!! Hello? Hello? Lets take another
caller now.
DK:Hello Dr..... Katz?!?
DKZ:I am finally on your show, man this is cool.
DK:Uhh yeah....
DKZ:I need to talk to you about your therapy techniques.
DKZ:Yeah, I really dont think that you listen to what people say to you
because you never give them any advice. You hang up on them and then you take
another caller and hang up on them. I bet you cant tell me what my name is.
DK:Well youre right! CLICK!!!
DK:See you guys next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!