July 1998 OutWorld Arts Pack This is another very small artpack, but it was this or nothing. It's been 90øF here and it's hard to force myself to sit in front of the monitor and draw. For those of you who don't know me well, I have a tendency to whine a lot when the temperature gets above 85øF. The artpacks should be back to normal size and frequency for the rest of the year. I will start to include RIPS again and will get back to work on the MAX Graphics resource files, too. Thanks for the emails asking about the artpacks, it's great to be wanted! :) Sandy OutWorld Arts /^\__-__ |--| http://www.outworldarts.com/ |-| _ _||[]| graphics@outworldarts.com |[| | |-|| -| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics |_|_|_|_||__| Artpack released monthly ftp://ftp.dragonfire.net/users/K/Klip/ ICQ -- 129697