February 1999 OutWorld Arts Pack Here is the latest, but not greatest. There are only six ansis in this artpack and no rips, but I think everyone got plenty of rips in the last artpack. This is the 32nd artpack I've released, I guess maybe I'm having a problem coming up with ideas. Not so much ideas for themes, but what to do with the ideas once I open TheDraw or RIPaint. I'm not complaining. I plan to create ansi and rip for years to come. Even when there is only one person left on the mailing list. :) Also, I want to thank all of you for the support you've given me over the last few years! It keeps me going when I feel like I don't have anything to offer anymore. Thanks and "see" you next month. Sandy OutWorld Arts /^\__-__ |--| http://www.outworldarts.com/ |-| _ _||[]| graphics@outworldarts.com |[| | |-|| -| Ansi Max Rip Graphics |_|_|_|_||__| Artpack released monthly ICQ -- 129697