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/ ere back again.. dont know if you care but anyway
/ and its christmas so its all superduperelite..
this pack is late because just when we started to plan releasing 02,
spikes computer crashed and it took about three weeks until he got it
back and everything worked properly. meanwhile i talked to some new guys
on irc and got a couple of emails concerning application to oOps!a, so now
were bigger and better than we ever been.. g..
first.. we i and spike desided to spank two of our members out of our
little group because they havent been in touch with us for about 3 months
and we guess that theyre not really intrested to continue in oOps!ascii..
so, everybody, say bye to darkholder and delta9.. dont blame us!!
second.. good news - people applyed!!
first one to apply and get into oOps! is rawlock rl! - he also runs the
swedish artgroup opium and draws awesome ansis there, but he desided to
release his asciis with us.. great.. hes showing off in this pack..
another guy that joined up with us is mso.. he does oldschool ascii so of
course we welcome him too..
the third oldschool artist who joined up is afterlife al and hes a new
dude on the so called scene but we think he can be really good very
soon so.. lets give it a try!! damn were nice, dont you think??
then our first newschool artist except me and now rl!.. joined.. his
handle is catharsis and as all of us hes from sweden.. so i guess were
a group of vikings with a lot of blond girls running around eveywhere,
you know what i mean.. - so pHear!!.. as a cool guy would have put it..
third.. to become a oOps!ascii memberboard the sysop has to be an
artist in oOps!.. not one of twohundered co-ops on some warez board!!
get it??.. ok.. yeah.. we have got a couple of dist sites too.. those are
as follows..
the electric cube, operated by the lightning knight in bahrain!!
the second one is icebreaker, oped by hash in finland..
..a big welcome to tlk and hash!!
last.. enjoy the pack and have a great holiday!!
extra.. thanks to mHz for the fileid
signing off.. baltazar oOps!ascii founder
/ ere back again.. dont know if you care but anyway
/ and its christmas so its all superduperelite..
this pack is late because just when we started to plan releasing 02,
spikes computer crashed and it took about three weeks until he got it
back and everything worked properly. meanwhile i talked to some new guys
on irc and got a couple of emails concerning application to oOps!a, so now
were bigger and better than we ever been.. g..
first.. we i and spike desided to spank two of our members out of our
little group because they havent been in touch with us for about 3 months
and we guess that theyre not really intrested to continue in oOps!ascii..
so, everybody, say bye to darkholder and delta9.. dont blame us!!
second.. good news - people applyed!!
first one to apply and get into oOps! is rawlock rl! - he also runs the
swedish artgroup opium and draws awesome ansis there, but he desided to
release his asciis with us.. great.. hes showing off in this pack..
another guy that joined up with us is mso.. he does oldschool ascii so of
course we welcome him too..
the third oldschool artist who joined up is afterlife al and hes a new
dude on the so called scene but we think he can be really good very
soon so.. lets give it a try!! damn were nice, dont you think??
then our first newschool artist except me and now rl!.. joined.. his
handle is catharsis and as all of us hes from sweden.. so i guess were
a group of vikings with a lot of blond girls running around eveywhere,
you know what i mean.. - so pHear!!.. as a cool guy would have put it..
third.. to become a oOps!ascii memberboard the sysop has to be an
artist in oOps!.. not one of twohundered co-ops on some warez board!!
get it??.. ok.. yeah.. we have got a couple of dist sites too.. those are
as follows..
the electric cube, operated by the lightning knight in bahrain!!
the second one is icebreaker, oped by hash in finland..
..a big welcome to tlk and hash!!
last.. enjoy the pack and have a great holiday!!
extra.. thanks to mHz for the fileid
signing off.. baltazar oOps!ascii founder
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