______/\\___ ____/\\__ __/\\_ ____/\\__ ____/\\__ \______ _/ \_ ___/_\_ |___ \_ ___/_\_ ____/_ / _ \ / ______/ / ___/__ / ______/ / _ \ \___| \ \__ | \___ \\__ \_ \___| al\ +----- \_____/ - \___| ------ \_____/ \_____/ ---- \_____/ ---------+ | __/\\_ ____/\\___ ____/\\__ ____/\\__ | | a f t e r l i f e \_ |___ \________/ \_ ___/_\_ ___/_ | | / |_ \_ / al \_ / ______// ______/ | +------------------------ \___ \\__ \\__ | - \__ \_ --+ \_____/ \_____/ \___| \_____/ o f o O p s ! a S C i i - P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S a ascii colly called ... ______ __/\__ / __/_ _\__ \ al __/\__\ \ \_/ / _/______ \___ / / | \ \ ___/ / __/\___ /\__ \ \____/------\___/----\____/ ... jul! ____/\_____/\_________/\________/\____/\_ _____ \__________ ___ __ __ _ _______ \/ __/ +-- / \_/ _/ / _/ / ____/_/ _ \ ------------------------+ | \_ al /\__/ /\__ /\__ /\___/ / i n d e x | +---- \___/ -- \___/ -- \___/ -- \____/ --- \___/ -------------------------+ | | | ##? what does it say? for who? | | | | 01 Abraxas Megga Hertz | | 02 Abraxas Megga Hertz | | 03 Cream Soda Dataflow | 04 Ivc Ivc 05 Ivc Ivc | 06 Katharsis Poskgubbe | | 07 Klik Flair | | 08 Madness for Real Nos | 09 Nocturnal Desire Catharsis | | 10 Nocturnal Desire Catharsis | | 11 Nocturnal Desire Catharsis | | 12 Oats Sudiphed | | 13 Oneliner Ivc | | 14 Oneliner Ivc | | 15 Spunk Crized Blutz | | 16 The Roswell Incident Phlare | 17 Whiplash Guttersnipe | | | | All asciis are drawn personly for someone so don't use them if | | you arn't supposed to. | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | All asciis are copyrighted (c) 1996 afterlife/oOps!ascii | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ btw.. this is my first ascii colly ever.. - L E T ' S G O ! __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #01 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Abraxas \/ / Megga Hertz | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife _ ____ ____ _______ ______ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ al! ____ \// /____// __ /__ ____ \// // __/____ \// /____ / __ \\_ __ \\/ _ \ __ \___ \ __ \\______ \ \\ \\ / // / |/ // \\ // // / \\ / // / \ ___/\___ //; :\___/\\ ____/\__/ // \ ___/\___ // \___/ \___/ ' \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #02 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Abraxas \/ / Megga Hertz | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife ___/\_____/\________/\______________/\________/\__________/\_____/\___ ______ __ _______ __ ___________ ____ | __________ ___ _____ / ___ \/ ___ \/ _ \/ ___ \/ _ \/ ___ \__\____ \ \ \_/ /\ \_/ /\ |/ /\ \_/ /\ \| /\ \_/ /\ \_/ / \___ / \__ / \__| / \___ / \ |__/ \___ / \__ / \__/ \___/ \___/ \__/ \___/ alife \__/ \___/ __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #03 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Cream \/ / Dataflow | | / ___/\______/\___ \ Soda //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife ____/\\_________/\\____________/\\_________/\\________/\\____ \_ ________ __ ______ ______________ ____ al __/ /° / _____ / _ \ // ____/__ / ___ °\ / \__// \ \ \// / \ |/ / \° \// / \ \// / \° | / \__ // \__| °/ \__ // \__ / \___| / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ ____/\\___________/\\_______/\\____________/\\___ \__ ________ al ___ _________ _/ __\____ \ // ___ °\ / ___ \\ /° ___ \ \° \// / \ \// / \° \// / \\ \// / \__ °/ \ __/ \__ / \__ °/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #04 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Ivc \/ / Inverted Crucifix | | / ___/\______/\___ \ (diz) //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife inverted crucifix! ____ __ ______ l al: _________/ (__ __.__/ __/_ ³ | Ú-- \_ < |/ /_ | \__ ³ -Ä¿ ³ /___ __\___ __/____ _/___| .$ $ \( |_____/ l____|____ `._ `. proudly presents l____; `l † ivc oneliner 1.0 fer sys/x _ _.e' $ code by zembar _eù.o' `e._$e ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄ--ù_e$e._o'ý. 96-12-21 .' `e_ _.ù.÷‡ø __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #05 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Ivc \/ / Inverted Crucifix | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife ÚÄÄÄ-ù. _.e$ ÷.ùÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄ¿ _________ _____________ ____ ________ _____ ______/ __ /_ _____/ __ /__ /___\ l____/ __ /_\ l \ /____l/ /____ / / l/ __/ ³/ __ /_ __/__ l/ __/ __ \ \____\ /____/\ \/ ____/\_____\/____l/ /___ \____\__ \l __\ ³ \______\ /____/ \_____\ \_____l ³ inverted crucifix! e. afterlife ³ info file _$ ÀÄÄÄÄÐÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄ--ù._ oü .ÄÙ `e .ø __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #06 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Katharsis \/ / Poskgubbe | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife :___ ___ __| l___ ____ _\ l_____ ___/\_ ___/_ al! ______ ____ ____( __ ) ____ _| _ __/__\__ /| | ³_______\__ /³ __ l____ __< _/_| l__< _/_ \_ | \_ __ / ³ __ _/ __ \_ /__ > _\ > ³ _\ \ / ³____/\__ \ _\ ³___;/ \___ \ _/___;/ /l____ /³ ³____ /_ l___; l____;l__| <____/ :____l <____\ |___\l__; |_____/ __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #07 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Klik \/ / flair | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife :_____ _____ | ³ _____ /_ l____/ _________\ l_____ _) _ __/ \_______/ _ __/ / | \_ __/ \__ | \_ \_ ³____/ \_ al ( ³____/ |____; l____|/_____/|____; __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #08 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Madness \/ / nos | | / ___/\______/\___ \ for Real //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife _____ ______ _______ _____ ___\__ l_ _____ __________l __ /_________ ______ al \_ \/ \_\ __ /_____\ l__\ __ \_ ³/ /_ __/___| __/_ / l\/l _/__ \³ __/_ __ / ³/ _/_ ______/____ \______ \_ \ ³ |____l |_____l /__ \³ __\ ;\___\ |_____\ \__ / _/__ / _/ | l l_____; : |______; |______\ ; ______ for _____ _________ ______ _\ __ l_______/ __ l_____\___ __/ \ ³ \_ l/ __ \_ \| \_ __ \__/ \ _/ l/ _/ ______/ \³ \_ / \ ³\____\l_____\ \____ __/ : |____; l____al __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #09 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Nocturnal \/ / Catharsis | | / ___/\______/\___ \ Desire //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife nocturnal . ____________________________:. :___________________ ___\ ________ __ _______. ..__ __ _______ \ _/ __ \ _/ _/ / /_____ \ : : | |/ / _/ _/ / \ \ / \ ____/ _/ / : : | |\ \ \ ____/ \_____ _ \__ _ _ _____/ : : | : \__ _ al! ; __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #10 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Nocturnal \/ / Catharsis | | / ___/\______/\___ \ Desire //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife this archive passed _____________ ___________ ____ ______ _____________ _____ / _ \ _ \ __/_ /_ / /___/ _ // _ \____ \_ /___ +-- _/ / / _/ / / / __/_ / / _ \ / / _ / / / --+ | \__ / /__ /__ /__ /__ /__ / /__/ /__ /___ / | * /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ al! \ ^ \ | .n o c t u r n a l d e s i r e. | | | / sysop: catharsis, cosysop: danen, maestro, mortiis, ravenclaw | / art/demos/intros/diskmags etc / | lots of affiliates \ | | | .+ 4 6 - 8 - 7 3 2 6 1 4 3. + + _/\_________/\____________/\__________/\___ _ __/\______________/\__ | ______\ ________ ______ _______________/____ __ _____________ \ | / ___ \ / _____/___ _\_____ \ < \ / _ \ / _____/___ \ \_/ / \ | / / | / / > \ |/ / \ | / \____ / \____ / \ ____/ \__ / \___| / \____ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \____/ \___/ ascii by afterlife __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #11 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Nocturnal \/ / Catharsis | | / ___/\______/\___ \ Desire //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife _______ _____ ______ ________ ______ _____ ____\ __/ _/ __ /___/ __/___\______/_\ __ l_______/ __ l__ _\ __ \__\ l/ \_____ \_ \_ l/ __ \_ \| \_ \ \³ \_ ______/ _/ _/_ ___/ l/ _/ ______/ \____ __/_____| /___ ³ l____/ \ ³\____\l_____\ al! ù.ùùl_____|.;:ù..ùùùù...ù\_____|ù....ùùù.|____;..ùùù..ùùù....ù .:' nocturnal `:. +o catharsis ù: desire! .' pure art, free leech `:.. .;;ù' ivc whq, o massa bra & d†liga affils ``:..::' +46-8-7326143 __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #12 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Oats \/ / Sudiphed | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife al! ____/\______/\__ __/\_____ ____/\_____ _______ ____ /____ / ______ / ___ \ / ___ \ / _____/___ _\_____ \ \ \_/ / \ \_/ / \ | / / | / \ ____/ \____ / \____ / \ ____/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #13 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Oneliner \/ / ivc | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife _______ :_____ ________ _________ ____ __\ __ (_______ | _l________\ __ (__ _____ \____ \_ ___) __ \/_ |/ _/ __ (__| \________/ |/ _(/ __ \_/ /_____/ <_ |/ /____³ \ \| \_ __/ \_____³ \_ \| _\ ³ \_________/ <____/ ______/ <_ al! /_ <______l ____/|____l >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\______|>>³ \_______/>>>>>>>>\______\>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ivc oneliner 2.o l____³ code: catharsis? design: afterlife __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #14 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Oneliner \/ / ivc | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife _____ _____ _____ al/oOps _____ _______³ \___________ ³ l_____³ \___________l __ |____ _/ __ \_ |_ > __ \_ ³\___/_ |_ > __ / /__ > \__ / __/___;/ /_ / ___/ ³_ /___;/ /_ / __>___;/ / .ù.|____;ùù.ùù<____\.|_____\.|___;l_____/ù.<____\ù|_____\ùù.ù<____\ù. ù:' ivc oneliner `;. subject: `ù:.ùù...ù.:' `:..ù.. 2.0 .ù.::ù:' hardrock rules ... `:ù.;' __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #15 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Spunk \/ / Blutz | | / ___/\______/\___ \ Crized //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife ____/(___ __ __/(_ \__ __/__ __/(____/ (_ _____ ___)\_ /_ l____ _/ \___ \ __ \_ \| >/ _ \__) _ __/ \__ _/ / / ____/ _____/ l_ _/ | \_ |___ /_ | \_____| \_____/ ³\_ al ³____/ +$-*+°--\___/-|____;-+°-þ--+--½--ÒÄ--|____;-|____;-,*°-+@+ crized __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #16 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ The Roswell \/ / Phlare | | / ___/\______/\___ \ Incident //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife +------------------------ the -----------------------+ _____ ________ ______ ________ ______ _| __ /____l __ /| __/_______ _l __ /___\_ \ \_ ³/__ \_ l/ /_____ \_ \/\ ___\_ l/ __// / \ |___l/ /_____// / /\____/\ /_____\/ / \_____\ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ | | | ______ _____ ____ ______ ________\ __l ________\ l _______ ________\ l__ \ l/ __ /_ \_____l / __ \l __ / __ /_ __/__ \____/___l/ /___ \____/__ l/ __\ l/ __/___l/ /___ al\ /____/ \_____\ \_____\ \_____\ /____/ \_____\ | | | shade whq | | the roswell incident +46-40-152733 | +------------ operators phlare & dfuse ------------+ __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #17 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Whiplash \/ / Guttersnipe | | / ___/\______/\___ \ //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife w h i p l a s h ! ____ _ù______ ____: ______ ___ ___³ |____ :__ ________\ l _________< __/______ _/ (_ ___/ \_ __ \| \ __ \ |_____\___ __/_\___ \ |____ )___ ³--\_ __/ l/ \_ / / ____/ ³ __/ __ \_ _/ / __ \ /__ ___| :____;_ al / \ | )_ | \_ \l ³____ / l/ /_ \___/ \___/ |___; /_ ____/ _____| l____/l____; / ; ___³ |____; >_____| <_____/ __/\__ _/\\__ __/\\_ \ oO / +-------+\----------+ +-------___| _//\\___\_ |___---------------/_-'_\-+// for: | | #99 _/ _| \ | / |_ \_ Crap \/ / | | / ___/\______/\___ \ Talk.... //-----------------//---+ +----\_____/-----"jul"------\_____/----------------+/ (c) 1996 afterlife thanx for watching my first ascii colly ever.. hope you didn't get to bored.. (: jupp, it is my first colly and it includes my first asciis i ever drawn, so it's maybe not so exited.. but i'll hope you enjoyed it some way anyway.. if you wanna request an ascii, or contact me for some other reason.. this is the ways to go.. e-mail.......................................aft3rlif3@hotmail.com irc.........................................................#ascii boards...............................blind alley, nocturnal desire greets: baltazar catharsis spike sudiphed phree dataflow phlare + all who requested asciis from me, all i have chatted with, etc.. @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ___ ______ ___/ l_ ______ _____ _/ __ \__\ __ \_/ __ \__/ __/_ al /_ \/ /_ \/ /_ \/ _/____ \_ |___ __\|___ __/_ ___/__ _____/ \___l |___/ \ ³ /____l +------ oOps!aSCii --- /___l -------------+ afterlife / oOps!aSCii proudly presents his first ascii colly called JUL +---------------------------- 961217 -----+ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ :_____ ________| | \___ __/ l +-------_/ __ \_ \----------+ |°:' `\ \l ³ \ al! ^;³| |, /_ a _____| l |._ '| +*-ÍÍ+·-Í-@-°+-ÍÍÍ--ÍÍ-\___|-{Íl____³-Í°ÍÍͼ-$ÍÍÍ--ÍÍÍ-°-Í-+ | all asciis are copyrighted (c) 1996 afterlife/oops!ascii | +œ--Í----Ö--ÍÍÍÍÍ-°--½-þ-ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ@$Í--ÍÍ-Ó--Í$--·-ÄÄ°Ò-ÍÍÍÍÍ+  \_/ __ \__/ __/_ al /_ \/ /_ \/ /_ \/ _/____ \_ |___ __\|___ __/_ ___/__ _____/ \___l |___/ \ ³ /____l +------ oOps!aSCii --- /___l -------------+ afterlife / oOps!aSCii proudly presents his first ascii colly called JUL +---------------------------- 961217 -----+ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ :_____ ________| | \___ __/ l +-------_/ __ \_ \----------+ |°:' `\ \l ³ \ al! ^;³| |, /_ a _____| l |._ '| +*-ÍÍ+·-Í-@-°+-ÍÍÍ--ÍÍ-\___|-{Íl____³-Í°ÍÍͼ-$ÍÍÍ--ÍÍÍ-°-Í-ÄÁiÄ+ | a f t e r l i f e / o O p s ! a s c i i | +œ--Í----Ö--ÍÍÍÍÍ-°--½-þ-ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ@$Í--ÍÍ-Ó--Í$--·-ÄÄ°Ò-ÍÍÍÍÍ-Ä}*+