?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bg,`?P'_,d$$$$$$$$b, `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P',d$$$$$$$$$$$$P',d$$,`ќ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b,`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$b,`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Pќ"`,d$$$$$$$$$$$P',gd$$$$?$b,`ќ?$$$$Pќќќќќќќќќќ `?$$$$$$$$$$Pќ" `"ќ?$$$$$Pќ"` ```""ќќќ?$$$Pќ`,gf$$$$$$$$$$$Pќ `ќ',d$$$$$$ќ" ` 7hgg,_`ќ?P',gd$$$$bg,`$Pќ',d$$$$$$ќ" ` 7hgg,_`ќ?$$$$$$$$$$7',gd7':$$$$$$$$l $$$ l$$$$$$b ` `?$$$$$$$P ќ :$$$$$$$$l $$$ l$$$$$$b `$$$$$$$$$':$$$l l$$$$$$$$$ $$$ :$$$$$$$$, b,.`"ќќ"`,d. l$$$$$$$$$ $$$ :$$$$$$$$,`l$$$$$$$ l$$$ :$$$$$$$$$l $$$l $$$$$$$$$:`$$$$$$$$$$: $$$$$$$$$l $$$l $$$$$$$$$: $$$$$$$ $$$l l$$$$$$$$$: $$$$ l$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$: $$$$ l$$$$$$$$l l$$$$$':$$$ :$$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$ :$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ l$$$$ :$$$$$$$$$: `?$$$ l$$$ l$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$l $$$$$$$$$g$$$$$$$$$$$ggggggggggggmm mmm$$$$$$$$$l b ?$$d$7',d,`|$$$$$$$: $$$$P' ```ќќ""7$$$$$$$$$$"?$$$$$$$: ggggg $$$$$$$$$$ $b ?$g ,d$$$l,`ќ?$$$$ $$$$ :$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$$, `ќ?$$$$ l$$$$':$$$$$$$$$l' $$b,`,d$$$$$$$$l, `"ќb,`ќќќ l$$$$$$$$7',$$$$$$$$Pќ"``,g, `"ќb,`ќќќ l$$$$$$$$7',l$$$$:`?$$$$$$$$$$$$lgggg ss 7ќ"""```,g,`""ќќ""~`,d$$$$$$$$$bgg,`ss 7ќ"""```,gd$$$$$$l$,`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$',gggd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bggggd$$$b ?$$$$$$$$$$$$b,`ќ?$$$$$$$$$$$',$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b ?$$$$$$$$$$Pќ,$$b,`ќ?$$$$Pќ` `ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b,`ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7ќ' `ќ?$$$$$P,d$$$$$$$bg,.. `ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$7ќ' `ќќ' -----------------------------`"ќќќќќќќ"""`----------ќ7$$$$$7ќ------------------- well.. a really shitty thing happened today .. i doodled this phat colly up, and well .. i overwrote the original and the backup file .. with mine and discyples 500 liner .. sooo .. this is the best re-make i could do in one night,its gonna be better this time around .. so lets go have a party. ./%> i thought id start off with a pic .. ill go for 100 lines .. see what i cando .. ...ok forget it, ill do a pic later if i can. for now ill give you a neato coma logo to view .. phear. . . _., . sss, _., . sss, ,gd$$$$: . `l$$$$b, coma .. phear ,gd$$$$: . .`l$$$$b, ;$$$$$$$$ ..:. :$$$$$$$: ;$$$$$$$$ .:.: :$$$$$$$: l$$$$$$$l ::::: $$$$$$$l ss l$$$$$$$l ::::: $$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$: ::`': l$$$$$$$: :: ` "ќl$$$$$bg, :$$$$$$$$: ::::: l$$$$$$$: . :$$$$$$$$ .:. .: :$$$$$$$l :::::. :$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$$ :::::: :$$$$$$$l :. .:: l$$$$$$$l ::...:: $$$$$$$$ ::::::: l$$$$$$$gggggggggggm m mmm $$$$$$$$ ::: ::::`ќ7$$$$$: ::::::: gggggggg ::```:: :$$$$$$$: `ќ7$$$$$: :::`::: $$$$$$$$ ::' `:::::.`"ќ7b,`::::: :$$$$$$$l ::.. `:. $$$$$$$ :,. `"ќ7b, `:..: :$$$$$$$$: :,. `::::::::::: s ::: l$$$$$$$$:`::: .:: l$$$$$l :::' .::: s ::: l$$$$$$$$l ::: ``":::::::::: s d$$$$Pќ"7$l ::::::: :$$$$$: :l...,:::::;:: s d$$$$Pќ"`.::::: _..,::::::``` :::::..:: ` .`:::: Pќ"``..:P',:::::.//:::::::::::' .,::::'` .:::::::::::, :::::::...:::: ss :::::::::'.,:::::::;::/:.:.:.::' ,::::"` .:::::"`` .. ' `:cn!::"` `::"`` `::::::"~` . . `:::. `.:::' `.:::" `::::. ./%> thats just not like it was the first time .. isnt it depressing to lose a reall fucking good logo, and then accidentally delete it?.. fuck man.. its ok though, it'll all be good .. and even better .. ok, enough remenising on my goofups .. lets continue our colly. now, confs .. in the last two days, i have beenon three confs .. and they pretty much all got fucked up .. due to leaks, so nowcia has lost the best telecom guy in the scene, that i know of, which is depressing, i just thought that the assholes who made him quit, and leaked the info out, should think about their actions.. and eventually kill themselves, so due to that .. a tribute to dark prophet is in need. ./%> dark prophet - grafitti stylee for you bro. ,._ $$$$bg,______________________________________________$$$bggggg__________________l$ss$$$$$s$$$$$$$$Pќ"`"ќ$s$s$P',d$$sss$$$$$$$$$$$b,`?$$$$$$$$$ ggg l$ќ""",gd$$s$:s7ќќќ"""""`` ggggd$$$l $ss$P d$sss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b l$$$$$$$$b,`",$$l ?$$$$$ss$',gd$$$$$$ќ""ќ$$$$$$$$: ќќќќ ќќќќ"""""`````````""ќќќ :$$$$$$$$ќ""ќ$$$$bg,`?$ss$$:$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$$ggd$$$$$$ќ""$$$$$$$$""ќ$$$$$$dgg$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$b,`?$sll$$$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$$$l s$:$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$. :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$$$$ $s $$$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$: l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$$ ќ',l$$$$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$$$$l ;$$:$$$$$$$$$$lgm $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$"ќ$$$$$$$$ d l$$$$$$$$$$: l$$ $7ќ"``,ggg gggg,`""ќ?$$$$$$$$$$lgmm$$$$$$$ gggggggg d?ќ""`,gd$$bgggg,`"ќ7$ $ssbggd$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$l $7ќ"`` ,gggg,`ќќ""``,d$$$$$$$$ g ?$$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$bgggd$$$$$$$s$$$$$$ `"7$$$$$$bgdPќ',d$sss$$$$$$$bg$$$$Pќ"``,d$bg,`ќ7$sss$$$$$$$$$$$$$ssP'`"ќ?ss$$$$ggd$$$$$$$Pќ',dss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$sssdss$$$$$bg,`""ќ7sss$$$$$$ss$P',d$sb,`ќ?ss$$$$$$$Pќ',$ssss$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$sss$Pќ"`` ,gggggggd$$$b, ќ7ssss$Pќ ,dP' ,$$$sbggggggggggd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ssPќ"`,gd$sss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bgggggd$ssl,sd$$$sss$$$$$Pќ"`---------------------------ќ7S$$$$$$$sss$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ss$:dsPќ"'``` `ќ7$$ssPќ' ќ' love you bro .. glad your still in noname telecom =) lates. ./%> well, as i chill out .. and relax at 12:30 in the morning .. trying to get all my cia ascii done .. i decided to go out and have a cigarette, so ill be right back. ok, done .. yeah, now i have a cia logo for you to phear .. 31337. _ _ ___,gf$$ќ"```"ќ7$bg d$$$$$$$$$$l ?$$$$b `$$S,_ g$$7ќ"`,g`7$$$$$$$$$: $Pќќќ ,$$$$$$b,_ _,S$$ d$$$$$ l$$$$$$$$$l ',ќ"`, l$$$$$$$$b _,d$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$Pќ""`` ,d$ d$$$ :$$$$$$$$$ d$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$b _ _,ggd$$$l $$$$b l$$$$$$$$ b, , $$$$$$$$$: $$$$$$P l$$$$$$$$$$: $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$,'$bg, ,dggg$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$':$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$ggg$$$bg, d$$'d$$$$$$$$gg$$$$$$ggg$$$$$$$$$$gg$$$$$ggg$$$$7ќ"~`,$$$$$$$$b, ,d$$$,`~"ќ7$$$$ $$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$: $$$$$$ $ќ"`,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b ?$$$$$$$$bg,`"ќ$bg '"ќќ l$$$$Pќ"""ќ$$bg ќ`, _,gd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P `?$$$$$$$$$$$$bgg,._`~"ќќ"``_,d$$b,`"ќќ"`_,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P' `"ќ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Pќ"` `"""ќќ?$$$$$$$$7ќ"""ќ?$$$$$$$$$$7ќќќ"""``````"ќќќќ"` `"ќќ"` `""ќќќ"` ./%> hrmmm.. not bad, but things should pick up with my pic thas next. ________________________________________________________________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Pќќќќ"""~`` `""""ќќќќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ќ' `"ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l what do you want `7$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: `7$$$$$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `7$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with my `$$$$$$: l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _,d$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: _,ggd$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l mIND!? ,gd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ,gd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$lb,... ___..,,ggd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l 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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bggggggggggg,,,,,....__________$$ l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l,`ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l,`ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$s$$sss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l, `ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$sss$s$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l, `ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l, `ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l,`ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l, `ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l, `ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b, `""ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Pќќ"~`````` ``""""ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Pќќ"`` ```""ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P' ```""""""ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$' l hmmmmmmm.. ok this just got boring .. im not gonna finish : it, thas original =) .. haha .. grrr... its just a leet alien or clown or like skull .. but you can use it if you like it.. lemme put cia in it.there man, cool .. it says cia, you just have to find it.. now for umm .. ummmmmhow about ... ummm ... i dunno, umm, another logo?.. ok. ./%> this one is for eternal d .. jestOr said i do fonts too big, so mebbe ill shrink this one a little.. thatll be neato =) .. naaaaaahhh.... i bow to no sponsors.. gd$$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$l gggd$$$$l' ,gd$$$$$ls sss,. l$$$$$$$$: ,gd$$$$$ls sss,.$$$$$$$$; d$$$$$$$$l g,. l$$b,. 7$$$$$$$ d$$$$$$$$l ssssg l$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$$: $$$$l :$$$$$$l $$$$$$$ssss $$$$$: $$$$$ :$$$$$$l ,d$ |$$$$$$$$ l$$$$$l $$$$$$$ss$$$$$$ sssd$$$$$ ;$$$$$ $$$$$$$ ,$$$ :$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$l $$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$$ l$$$P" $$$$$$l ;$$$$ .$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$ $$$$$$: $$$$$$$ .$$$$$$$l ""`.,gd $$$$$$: $, $$$$$: $$$$$$$: $$$$$$$ l$$$$$ l$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$:,d$$$$$$ l$$$$$ ,$$, $$$$$l l$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$ :$$$$$ ?$$$$$$$: l$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$ :$$$$$ ?$$$, $$$$$$ :$$$$$$ l$$$$$$$ $$$$$: $$$$$$$l :$$$$$$ :$$$$$$$ $$$$$:`$$$$l ?$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ :$$$$$l $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ :$$$$$l ?$$$$l `$$$$ :$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ l$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ :$$$$$$ l$$$$$$ l$$$$$$ss $$$' `?$ l$$$$$$ $$$Pќ"` .ќќ"`` ќќ"7$$$$ l$$$$$$ :$$$$$$:`ќ"``,ssgd$P' ` $$$$$$l $' ss ' l$$$$$$$ $$$$$ `"7$l s $$$$$$l ssd$$$Pќ` `"ќ7$ ` ,d$$$$$$P' ќ""7$ sssd$$$ ` sss s ќќ"``` ` s s $7ќ"`` eternal dreams s cuz big izz good! .. yeah, thats a new stylee for me, worked out well i think, cool .. discyplish .. but still good .. yeah .. now .. hmm, what else to doodle for?.. i thought mebbesome ascii for acid is in order, seeing as how i wanna join, but cant .. cuz i have too many afillz.. so GRrrrRRr .. acid it is. in high ascii even. мммлллллм мммллллллмм мммммллллллллллллллллммммм ммллллллллллллмммлллллллллллллллллллмм 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JUST right .. then start moving all the other shit in, once you have that line to build off of, your ascii is gonne be reet-o either way, so theres my hint, lemme see what my fucked up mind can come up with now. ќl$$$$$$$$ ,gd$$$Pќ"l$$$bg, ,d$$$b, :$$$$$$$l l$$$$$$$$; :$$$$$$' :$$$$$1ќ""ќ7$$$bg, ќ?$$$Pќ l$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$l ,d$$$P"` l$$$$$l ,dl l$$$$l $b, `$$$$$$: __.,f$ :$$$$$$ l l$$$$$$: ,dPќ"` 1$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$: $$$: l$$$$$l $$$$$$: $$$$$l $ :$$$$$$ ""ќ7$bg,_ $$$$$$ l$$$; $$$$ l$$$l :$$$$$1 l$$$$$l $$$$$: $l $$$$$l b, ќ$$$$$, :$$$$$$ :$$l :$$$$ $$$$$l $$$$$$ :$$$$$1 l$$$$ :$$ $$$$$: $$b, l$$$$$l l$$$$$$: $$: l$$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$$: $$$$$$ :$$$$ l$$ l$$$$ l$$$l :$$$$$$ ?$$$$$$l $$ :$$$$$: $$$l :$$$$$$l $$$$$$: $$$$; $$ :$$$$ :$$$$: $$$$$$ $g,`ќ?$$$ $$ l$$$$$l $$$: l$$$$$$1 $$$$$$l $$$$l l$: $$$$; $$$$ :$$$$$$: lS$$$b,`",$$b,`"ќќќ',$$P $$$$$Pќ',$$$$$$1 $$$$$ :$l $$$$l l$$$ l$$$$$$l :S$$$$C$$$$$$$$$$$$$P',gd ќ"`,g gd$$$$$$$$ $$$$$; $$ $$$$$ :$$l $$$$$$$$; `?S$$$A$$$$$$$$$P"`,d$$$$$$$$$,ќќ""```"ќ7 `"ќ7$l $$ $$$$$; $$ s$$7ќ"`,gg$ `?$$$I$$$$$$P',d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bgd$$bg,` ?$,`"ќ7$l $$bggggd$$$$$l `"ќ7NSP"` `""ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b,`?$$bgggd$$$$$$$$$$$$P' .. m1lk .. `"ќ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b, `ќ7$$$$$$$$$Pќ""`` `"""""ќќќќќќќ""``` `""ќќ"` .. and cain fucking yabbered .. milk, youll find out, but i owe dis too tempus, have fun man, and may all your hax0ring bbs shit go well, ill call you tomorrow and shit =-) .. yeah .. and now im done .. so im going to explain my mission .. my mission, ever since iwas a little child, was to be in cia, i was born three years ago and couldnt draw .. so i worked for three years, starting numerous groups that went nowhere .. but then came oasis, and cain said it was good, and so it was.. so along camelittle sudden death one day and stole it away from me, because of tempus, the group got merged into cia, and then i realized my mission, as i said above.. i was put here to bring the ruckus to all you motherfucker .. hear me?.. I WAS PUT HERE TO BRING THE RUCKUS TO ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS .. and so i will, along with my ascii boys from cia .. dont fuck wif us, cuz everyone else is going downgot it?.. gewd son .. now fo some greets: flame, 9l, muh boy discyple, tempus, rheostatic, 4degrees, nuremberg .. everlast, and all of acid ascii, s0ap guys, especially prizm and jestwhore .. umm .. foney baroney fonebone .. and, #cia boys, and mad props to all of cia .. and greets flying out to all muh noname guys ...... and peace out. see you next month. /bk cain-agent#31337 .. peace out.