cara calls me trendy - smoke your cammels under that tree go out and buy that new korn cd be a skater with your shoes another boyfriend pick and choose first it was jeff then it was john now its richard and the list goes on don't forget that guy paul or mike and ben shes' cheated on all cara calls me trendy well look at her another alterno with out a cure my adidas suck and your vans rule get airwalks and show off at school be yourself cara be what you want smoke your pot and avoid getting caught or do your acid like on mtv talk behind my back but not to me cara calls me trendy well look at her another alterno with out a cure my adidas suck and your vans rule get airwalks and show off at school civid [mOist/dAMp/glOOm] - background - this one chick at school called me trendy cause i had a mohawk. it was funny but.. see.. no one else at my school did. heh. and she is like the mtv watching, pot smokin' nirvana is god, kurt forever, vans rules typo chick thats thinks she is the shit. oh well. heh. :)