The Regency by Nitnatsnoc
The Regency by Nitnatsnoc
Know what bugs me? People of menus, too. This i
swho stand RIGHT in front of good. Im finally havin
gthe doors on the bus. It fun drawing again. Wow,
Ipisses me off so much. love blabbering all over i
nWow, I suddenly got in this these ansi headers. It
smega-ansi mood at the end just so...relaxing, afte
rof the month, after two spending time drawing th
emonths of ansi deadness. N i t n a t s n o c ansi. Its just a neat wa
yWahoo. Wow, I drew a bunch M i S T to wrap it all up. The end
t h e r e g e n c y
4 0 4 6 6 8 0 4 1 2
syssmurf: halasmurf
cosmurfs: prismurfone
mist, relic, acid, twinglenet, etc etc
ansi and font by Nitnatsmurfof Mist
im three apples tall