_/_______ _______. / __ \ :| / \| / .| / __ / | / |/ / | \________/|_________| ____________ _______ ______ \ ___/___/\ _____ _____ / __ \____________\ _/__ _____/\ \ \ __ \ \/ / / / ___/ \ \ __ \ \_______\ /__\_ \/ \_______/\ \/____________\ /__\_ \_______/____| | \_______\ \_______/ ------------------------|_____|-------------------------------------------wk Funny.. i think as i mentioned in Wk-73.txt I never actually left Remorse, but they kinda must've read between the lines and put two and two together. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (17:27) [DrB1] hei, man, share or be banned [wisekid-jedi03] heh.. share this (17:27) [DrB1] ? (17:27) [DrB1] share what? [wisekid-jedi03] share deez nutz (17:28) [DrB1] mmm.. man i'v advised you [wisekid-jedi03] i've already stopped downloadin yer wack tracks [wisekid-jedi03] it wasn't the neverending story theme it was just some stupid death metal! (17:29) [DrB1] 1 it's power metal, 2 it' not stupid, 3 i'll ban you [wisekid-jedi03] do u support the new world order? (17:30) [DrB1] ? [wisekid-jedi03] maybe i'll ban you first (17:31) [DrB1] .. mmmm (17:31) [DrB1] i don't think so [wisekid-jedi03] too late i just did nigga (17:31) [DrB1] i did it first (17:31) [DrB1] he he he [wisekid-jedi03] haha (17:32) [DrB1] e ora sparisci piccolo essere inutile! [wisekid-jedi03] fuck outta here [wisekid-jedi03] is that some satanic verse or somethin (17:33) [DrB1] what are you saying? [wisekid-jedi03] ooh doublespeak.. what are you saying more like??? (17:33) [DrB1] it's the italian way to toll you to disappear (17:33) [DrB1] excuse me, to tell you [wisekid-jedi03] ah, so it is magickz.. i can't disappear that easily you david blaine ass nigga ------------------------------------------------------------------------- err what? ._____ ._____ ,_______________. | | | | l | | |/\| | aaiieee! | ._____ | / \ |________| __|___________ ____________| | | / oO \ | | / __ | __ | | / ---- \ | | / \| | \| | |_ _| \_______________|__________________| / \ | wk / __ \________|_______________| / || \ hands in the air ryan or we /________||________\ will be forced to shoot (_____| |_____) __________________ ___________________ \ \/ / _/__________ _______ \ .____ \/ ____/__ _________ / ___/___\_ |____\__| | || ______\_ | __ \ \ \ _ | _ | || \ _ | / / \________\___________|____________| __||__ \___________|___/ / \ \_ _/ / /____/ wk \__________/ \___________/ logo copyright WK! 2005 do not use for radman (tm) movie without permission from author.. thankz! ahhh.. i can't remember the rest of the members remorse 81 rules tho.. . ____ ___ _ _____ ______ | || | |/ / | /\ | / /_ |____/\____|_____\______| wisekid, mimic 81 - march 2005 below ascii is recycled, i just felt like throwing it into the txt.. suckaz _ _____________________________________________________________. ____________ ________ ......... _____ _____ ......... ________ ....... |/ ......... / _ \::::: ::::: \/ ::::: :::::/ _ \:::::......::::: ::::: / / /.:::: ::::: ::::: ::::/ / /..... :::::::::: ::::: \ \_____|::::.::::|_____\/_____|::::.::::\ \_____|::::.::::::::::.::::' /_____| ._ `::::.. ._______________________ /_____| ._____________ `::::.. ._ _ ______| \________| /_________| \________| -X- r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1 -X-