Mimic #39 Quotes file. Now you can't bitch at me for having too many quote .txts in the pack. [12:11:22] hehe, joined #volvocars and wrote AUDI!! hahaha [12:11:38] Wicks you're bad to the bone baby [12:11:52] hehe, i know [15:28:27] d0.. it looks like [15:28:28] ... [15:28:31] that sea-wossname [15:28:38] you know, with a horse head [15:28:48] small fucking wossnames [15:28:55] spiral tails and horse heads [15:29:01] dunno what they are called in english [15:31:59] sea-horses? [15:32:09] aeternam, maybe [13:05:18] <_d0> in usa i saw a child that he's half white half niggro [13:05:20] <_d0> ewwww [13:05:22] <_d0> the horror [13:05:26] <_d0> :( [13:05:33] lol [13:05:36] d0, huh? what's horrifying about that [13:05:37] What the fuck? [13:05:44] <_d0> cause [13:05:48] <_d0> he was a mutant [13:05:53] mutant?!?!? [13:06:00] What the fuck?? [13:06:02] that looks weird, like white hair type right?;> [13:06:04] <_d0> kidding:) [13:06:08] white afro;) [13:06:18] the future of the world is total racial amalgamation [13:06:18] <_d0> no he was like bold or something [13:06:20] it's already begun [13:06:33] the gears are turning! [13:06:45] the dicks are thrusting! [13:06:52] the jism is flying fast and free! [13:07:00] It burns! [13:07:02] Oh god how it burns! [13:07:03] you cannot stop progress my friend! [13:07:08] MY EYES [11:57:14] any of you know where i could get the canadian wildlife commercials released in the early 90's/ late 80's that had that wierd flute sound? [11:57:28] hah [11:57:36] probably in #wildlifegaysounds [11:57:46] :(