[01:25:59] http://www.maxtor.com/press/2001/nr062601c.html (Site explains how the new harddrive capacity will be "Petabytes" and how Maxtor is developing the technology for it). [01:29:07] Oh man [01:29:10] Petabytes! [01:29:49] seems there is a new one every year now. :) [01:30:37] peta sounds weak though [01:30:45] damn, after mega, giga, and tera [01:30:51] those are l337 sounding! [01:30:57] PETA.. what the fuck is that? [01:31:15] damn those roman mathmaticians DAMN THEM TO HELL!!!! [01:31:23] peta, heh [01:31:25] petal [01:31:25] ! [01:31:49] petabytes sounds like a kind of dog food [01:32:07] well, after petabytes is fagabytes [01:32:25] really? [01:32:32] Then homobytes [01:32:34] Then analbytes [01:32:47] :) [01:32:58] and then they just kinda drop the 'bytes' thing and it becomes 'assfuckinghomosexual' [01:33:13] hey jeff [01:33:27] my harddrive is 200 assfuckinghomosexuals!