Beatle, Aka Spoon
This Thing is dedicated to complete and utter madness
Volume Zero Number Zero
Welcome to SPOON. As editors we would like to express our extreme
pleasure. This can be done in many ways but not over a computer line!
For the next while we will be bringing you, our readers, an number of
articles expressing the views of many minorities living inside our heads.
As long as we have heads this will continue. Thank you.
The following is a conversation over heard by Bocephus and Clarence.
Right now my cheese is restless,
how about you?
My cheese is far from restless,
in fact my cheese has reached a state of ZEN.
That's pretty fuckin' nifty alright.
But couldn't that raise the cost of
borscht in Yugoslavia?
No way lumpy nuts, that's not for me.
I don't butter my bread on that
Dear Dr. Lip.
I am a socially active young man. Recently I have been
urinating blood. Is this normal for a man my age? I'm 18.
Name with held by request.
Dear Stu Pididiot,
By the time you read this you should be legally dead. But for
the sake of our other readers out there who are urinating blood, my
advice is to make funeral plans pronto.
Dear Dr. Lip,
I have this little problem with sexual fantasies. I want to
have sex with small furry animals. I just find them so sexy. I just
wanna huddle and cuddle with them, they're so cute. I almost had a
squirrel once but the damn thing got away. Should I express my feelings
to close personal friends who might not understand? You see, they won't
let me in the petting zoo anymore. i just can't stand the agony of not
having a soft furry friend close to my genitailia. Even my cat stays
away from me. She won't even come for catnip. Please help me.
Yours truly,
Desperatly Seeking Fuzzies.
Dear Desperatly Seeking Fuzzies,
You're not the first person to have trouble fulfilling your beastual
fantasies. In fact there are many self help group for people in your
condition. My suggestions are, to either resort to criminal activity to
support the pet store costs or if you aren't too picky, there are several
advantages in the use of roadkill (if you don't mind a little
necrophilia), aiding the sanitary condition of the streets is one. And
then there's the whole other option of using cooked domestic pets
prepared by authentic asian-style resturants, for more information on
this subject write to Lupo's Kitchen C/O Purple Peace Online.
Weird and strange articles that have no redeeming values but sound scientific
Clarence Revial, Spoon Head
Next Issue Dark Part II. The Amazing Dark Suckers.
This issue we deal with the very popular topic of Nose Flossing........
=================================================================== =================----> S-E-X I-N A P-A-N <----============ =================================================================== Qty Measure Prepared Ingredient Directions --- ------- -------- ----------------- | ------------------------- 1 Cup Flour | Combine flour, butter 1/2 Cup Melted Butter | and brown Sugar. Pack in 2 Tbl Brown Sugar | 9 x 13 pan. Bake 20 min. 1 Cup Icing Sugar | Mix icing sugar, cream; 1 8oz pkg Cream Cheese | cheese and 1/2 Cool Whip 2 Sml or 1 Lgr Cool Whip | and spread over cooled 1 Sml pkg Instant Vanilla Pudding | base. Mix vanilla and; 1 Sml pkg Instant Chocolate Pudding | chocolate pudding with 2 Cup Milk | milk and spread over the --------------------------------------- | cheese mixture . | Top with other 1/2 I use Lge Puddings and an extra 1/2 cup | Cool Whip. of Milk and prefer to mix each & spread | Chill and serve. in individual layers. | | 'tis truely I also prefer Carmel to Vanilla. | O-r-g-a-s-m-i-c....! | ===================================================================
II DDD II OOO TTTTT MM MM A NN NN II D D II O O T MMM MMM A A NNN NN II D D II O O T MM M MM AAA NN N NN II D D II O O T MM MM AA AA NN NNN II DDD II OOO T MM MM AA AA NN NNIdiot Man's seven favorite car tricks to play on your best friend...
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Copywrite 1993 Purple Peace Publications.