Mistigris Member Profiles
Handle: Skrubly
Past Handles: Derf
homepage (if any): www.sonic.net/~derf
IRC nick(s), channels
found on (if applicable):
#hirez, #mist
Initials, sig: skr
Group History: Rile, Seed.  I wrote fiction in Rile right before it died, and I drew ANSI for Seed. Most of which hasn't seen the light of day (thank god).
Year of birth: 1978
Hometown (country): California, USA
Favorite movie: Awe geez, I dunno. Gleaming the Cube. Yea!
Favorite book: Hackers, by Steven Levy
Favorite album: Memories Better Left Behind by Ground Round
Favorite beverage: Beer. Or, for cocktail night, a Manhttan.
Which of your own works
do you like the best?
(Top 10 or applicable)
Pretty much all of my blender stories.  I dunno, I just like writing when I'm inspired.  I was particularly proud of some of my Seed ansis at the time.
To Aspiring Artists: If you're going to write poetry, for god's sakes do it well. If you're going to write fiction/nonfiction, _read_ as much as possible.  Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles, and don't fall into those oh-so-common style traps.

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