Mistigris Member Profiles
Handle: Melodia
Past Handles: Admiral Skuttlebutt
homepage (if any): http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/5727/
Group History: Mistigris, Digitallusions
Year of birth: 1975
Hometown (country): Victoria, BC
Favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite book: Time Enough for Love (Robert A. Heinlein)
Favorite album: Metallica (Metallica)
Favorite artist in your medium: Purple Motion / Future Crew
Favorite beverage: Moo...
Which of your own works
do you like the best?
(Top 10 or applicable)
The Mountain
I need an AWE 32
The Daemons Gate
Pipe Dreams
Motto Meow...
To Aspiring Artists: Practice makes purrfect...

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