Mistigris Member Profiles
Handle: Maldoror
Initials, sig: ma
Group History: FLiP, lit coord
Year of birth: 1980
Hometown (country): kentucky, us
Favorite movie: delicatessen
                  Favorite actress: Parker Posey
Favorite book: hearing trumpet, leonora carrington
Favorite album: distant plastic trees, the magnetic fields
                  James Bond (no thank you, already had some)
                 Favorite artist in your medium: leonora carrington
                 Beverage: cherry vanilla blue-sky
                 Food Cha-cha Chili
Past Affiliations: FLiP
Which of your own works
do you like the best?
(Top 10 or applicable)
none, i hate them all
and i hate yours too
in fact, i think all lit basically sucks
so there.
Motto meow
To Aspiring Artists: it doesn't really matter, no one reads anymore

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